When it comes to designing your own business cards, you don’t simply throw in anything you want and have it printed.
When it comes to designing business cards, you don’t simply throw in anything you want and have it printed. Keep in mind that in order to make your cards effective and compelling, a lot of elements come into play. There are a lot of things you need to consider such as the shape, size, layout, whether to include a photo or not, and many others.
All these may seem unnecessary. After all it is just a contact card that you are making, but it doesn’t hurt to give some thought on these things because they are likely to affect the function and effectiveness of your business cards. Among the design elements to consider, size is of utmost importance. The size you choose will play an important role in the creativity and ingenuity of your design. It will determine the appeal and substance of your card.
Whether you choose to create a small or big business card, each has its own benefits and disadvantages. You simple need to assess the positive and negative feature of each size to come up with the best size to go for.
Small sized business card
One thing to keep in mind when creating a small business card is that, it can easily get lost. The smaller the card is the easier it can get misplaced. Even if it can fit easily into your prospect’s wallet, it can get covered by other bigger cards, thus, making your card easily ignored.
Another thing you need to consider with a small card is the quantity of details you can include in it. Naturally, you would have a small area to place information, restricting how much you can print on it. If there is really a lot of information you need to include, you might be forced to use smaller font, which can be a bit hard for people with poor vision to read. So, if you are going to create a small card, it is crucial to remember that you might be restricted in the amount of information you can put on your templates as compared to big cards that have enough space for information.
But, don’t worry yet. If you have a creative mind, you can easily make any size work for your card. If you truly want to create a small card, you can always go for out of the box design to make sure that all information you want included will be placed on it. This would not only make your card attractive and creative, but make it easy for people to remember you as well.
Big sized business card
If you want to go for a big card, keep in mind that the bigger the card is the bulkier it is. Most people these days go for sleek and modern designs, and a big card has innate disadvantages. However, if you use big cards you can always put more information on it and make the font larger. In addition, a big size keeps your card from getting lost easily. People will easily notice it when put next to other cards. But remember that the bigger the card the harder it is for people to keep it in their wallet or card holder, which both are designed in standard size. So, if you decide to create big cards, keep the size near the standard size so it will still fit into a regular wallet.
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