Color Can Work Magic With Your Promotional Product Advertising.
When you are planning out your advertising you need to think of all sorts of different and creative ways to attract the people that you want. There are many steps to customizing your promotional products and one that you might be stumped with is what colors to use on your products. You want to make something that is attractive to the type of person that you think will most likely spend time and money with your business.
When you are planning out your advertising you need to think of all sorts of different and creative ways to attract the people that you want. There are many steps to customizing your promotional products and one that you might be stumped with is what colors to use on your products. You want to make something that is attractive to the type of person that you think will most likely spend time and money with your business.
Not too long ago a company that is based in Illinois studied the effects that color had on different groups of people. They wanted to study what different demographics were attracted too. What they found out was interesting. There are 3 different types of people when it comes to color attraction and acceptance.
COLOR FORWARD - People in this group like to try the new colors. They want to be the first to try out that new color no matter what the item. This demographic is usually men and women who are under 30,

those who reside in the city, those who make under $35,000 per year and women over 50.
Both men and women that earn over $50,000 are often color careful. They like to use colors that are more common, rather ones that stand out. Their product preference is toward those that are well made and useful. Color does not attract them. They are more practical when it comes to buying things. This group normally lives in the suburbs.
COLOR LOYAL - These are those customers who will cringe at the idea of making changes; they want to see the same colors that are familiar to them as they relate to your business. This group can actually consist of people from all income brackets, but usually those who dislike shopping, live either in the suburbs or in rural areas, and men over 60. Understanding how colors affect those who you are bringing into your business can help you choose the colors for your business that will be appealing to your target demographic. This can have a big impact on your business advertising and using the right colors can help you appeal to those who will be most positively affected by your business.