If you want to add printed marketing materials in your program today, it would be best to start with bookmark printing.
Staying visible in the marketplace requires consistent marketing and high quality materials. In the past, printed materials are the king of the market industry; however, with recent improvements in technology, there have been new techniques that have been introduced. The Internet, for instance, has brought email and online ads that allowed businesses to reach as many and varied customers as they want. Smartphones have also been introduced allowing easy exchange of contact details.
Just the same, printed marketing materials are still an important part of today’s marketing needs. Even if you prefer online marketing over traditional techniques, it’s still ideal to incorporate printed materials as part of your marketing program. In doing so, you get to have the best of both worlds and reach as many customers as you want both online and offline.
If you want to include printed marketing materials in your program today, it would be best to start with bookmark printing. If your budget allows it, bookmarks would be a good way to keep your business in front of your customers and prospects especially if most of your customers are book lovers.
However, a lot of business owners overlook the value of bookmarks. They are often the last choice when it comes to choosing which materials to incorporate in their business. But if you look at the intrinsic value of this material, you would realize that they are among the materials most likely to stay with your customers. When they open or close their book, they would see your business name or logo. This will keep your business on top of their mind.
If you consider the brand image of your business, bookmarks are among the best materials to use in brand imaging. They are simple, easy to produce, and low cost. If you want to explore the concept of marketing with bookmarks, here are some of the things you might want to consider:
• Think of the best size. The size of your bookmark will basically depend on your message and the image you will incorporate on it. Your budget will also determine the size which you want afford. Print shops offer a number of sizes you can choose. Pick the best one fit to your need.
• Decide on the design. The rule of thumb is to stick with a simple design that will deliver your message clearly. Don’t go for fancy designs that will only confuse your readers and cost you a lot of money.
• Focus on your message. You need to deliver your message loud and clear. The number of words you use will depend on the side of your bookmark. Don’t cram too many details in your material. Keep in mind that there is only a small room in your bookmark templates to accommodate a lot of information. Just stick with the basics and the most important details.
• Use high quality paper stock. Ask your printer what type of paper they use. Don’t assume that the more expensive the paper is the better the print out. Oftentimes, a lower cost but better paper stock will give you better quality print out.
• Add valuable details in your material. This can be a discount coupon, freebie, incentive, or anything that will add value to your material and give it a lasting impression.
Incorporate these considerations in your bookmark design and you can be sure to get an impressive and long lasting impression that will help you stay visible in front of your customers and prospects.
For more easy and useful ideas on how to make unique and winning cards to start up your marketing campaign, visit: bookmark printing.
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