How to Get Better Click Through Rate With Less Cost Per Click?
One of the most important parts of managing a Google AdWords account is minimizing the irrelevant search traffic that your ads receive. Looking to get best result from your adwords campaign? Here are some of the points which can help you in getting better result from your google adwords campaign.
Looking to get best result from your adwords campaign? Here are some of the points which can help you in getting better result from your google adwords campaign: Keep experimenting: It is always advisable to keep testing and it is very easy to experiment with adwords. You should create multiple ad copies and run to check which one is giving you highest Click through Rate with lowest Cost per Click like you can create campaign of Google Adwords Delhi for Delhi page or google adwords Ahmedabad. You can use website optimiser to test multiple pages against each other. So no matter how expert you are and how deep your knowledge is,

it is always advisable to do experiments so that you can get maximum output. Niche is great: On of the way to get maximum ROI is to run adwords on niche keywords than going for generic keywords as it can prove more expensive with fewer clicks through rate. For instance if you want to run an adword campaign for Gurgaon hotel than you should run google adword Gurgaon rather than going for google adword north India. Get Keywords in abundance: It is advised that you should have a bundle of keyword than having just one or two as it will enable you to get better coverage and overall CPC. You can find these keywords If you try to build keyword as per the sub categories for example if you are running a campaign for a product which is sold and available in entire country than inspite of restraining your keyword to Google Adwords India you can incorporate keywords targeting different state of the country like google adword Gujarat etc. It is a good practise to keep working on the campaign and collecting more niche keywords. Display the differentiating factor of the advertised product or service: It is very necessary for you to create such ads which reflect the key point of the product or service as this will be the differentiating factor which will show your product or service from the other. The customers should also be able to understand the benefit they will get from your product or service. Customer segmentation: In order to decrease the CPC cost it is very necessary for you to identify those customers which should not click on your ads for example if you are running a campaign of corporate home loan offer than you will definitely like that only working people should click on your ads so in order to achieve this you need to display the same in the one or other way.