Giving away content is a powerful way to get free advertising.For example, give other people permission to use your articleon their web site or in their e-zine. The resource box at theend of your article acts as an ad. In return, you get freeadvertising. It's a win/win situation for both you and thepeople that need the extra content.
There are many forms of free content. It could be articles,reports, news stories, e-books, e-zines, e-mags, virtual e-mailcourses, press releases, web books, etc.
You can take it a step further and make giving away contentan even more powerful way to get free advertising. Forexample, give your free e-book to one person and allow themthe rights to also give it away. Do you see what I'm leadingup to? Let's say only 20 people download your e-book. Those20 people may give away your e-book to 20 more people.That's a total of 400 people that have seen your ad in thee-book. And it just keeps multiplying!
If you keep producing free content over a long period of timeit starts building up. Now, take all your free content andcreate an online directory. You can use your free contentdirectory as a web site traffic generator. You can ask peopleto add the directory to their web site by linking to yours.
In conclusion, giving away content gives you three powerfulways to get free advertising. You can submit free content,allow other people to give away your free content, or havepeople link to your web site to give away the free content.My advice is to take it one step at a time and this systemwill bring traffic to your web site over and over for yearsto come.
How To Use Outsourcing To Beat Your Competition
Outsourcing is when you hire outside professionals orservices to take on part of your business workload.Youmay want to outsource part of your work because youdon't have the room, you need an expert, you have periodicbusy periods, or you need more production to get ordersout on time etc. You could outsource accounting,secretarial tasks , factory help, computer training, webdesign etc. Below are ways to use outsoursing to beatyour competition.Six Little Used Online Marketing Strategies
1. Utilize Your Knowledge Do you have extensive knowledge in a particular subject?Offer people free consulting or advice on that subject viae-mail if in exchange they either link to your web site, runyour promotional ad in their e-zine or place your bannerad on their web site for a set period of time.9 Quick Ways To Conquer Cellulite
In our never ending search for the illusive "Fountain of Youth," nothing strikes a chord like the term "cellulite." Interestingly, the term "cellulite" was first introduced to us by a fashion magazine. That fact is sufficient to generate speculation among opposing sides to this controversial subject.