As a major mass media that is almost free to use, the Internet isa great place to take ... of free ... tools-- nomatter what business you're in. One of the most common places ... a
As a major mass media that is almost free to use, the Internet is
a great place to take advantage of free promotion tools-- no
matter what business you're in. One of the most common places to
advertise are free classified sites, but how do you write an ad
the works?
The Perfect Classified Ad: It may not be a literary thing of
beauty, or even an ad that is very appealing--but for some reason
it gets sales for its owner. Getting your Perfect Classified Ad
will come easier if you follow a simple plan.
Write your ad in complete sentences. Then cut out non-
essential words to make your ad the required length. Start
sentences with action words. Use short phrases.
While you are at it, write several versions of your classified
ad. I usually try to knock out six at a time.
Next, test your ads. Run them all on free ad sites, in ezines,
newspapers, or magazines. Be sure to include a code in
your response info so you will know which ad produced the
inquiry or sale.
Once you find an ad that works well, leave it alone. Resist
the temptation to tweak an ad that is already successful.
Don't worry if you or your associates become bored with
the ad. Your audience is not as close to the ad and is
only assured by its repetition.
So now that you have written an awesome classifieds ad, you
wonder where to go? Well, there are thousands of sites that offer
free classified ads. These no-cost announcements are a good way
to get a new home business off the ground, test a new ad or
product, or supplement the paid advertising you do in ezines.
The down side is everyone else is posting free ads, too.
But I know several people who are getting anywhere from several
to dozens of leads regularly with free ads.
Here are a few tips to make free Internet ads produce
results for you.
1. Place your ad in a LOT of places. Start with one of the big
sites that has hundreds of links to other free ad sites. is one of the oldest and
largest of these sites. Veteran posters say the Yahoo
classifieds and AOL free classifieds draw best.
2. Use software to help you post. Get the free Fillout Manager
at There are automated ad
posting programs that place your ad on hundreds of sites at
lightening speed. See and for two of
the best. Be sure to go to Becanada's "two-step" sites that
fewer of your competitors will be taking time to visit.
3. Pay special attention to your ad's subject line. Use top
marketing words like new, free, improved, save, and profit to get
customer attention. Communicate your offer's most important
benefit in three to five words. Headlines that mention big money
or a free computer get clicked most.
4. The Internet still turns on free information. Pull people to
your web site by offering a free report, analysis, insider tip,
revelation, booklet, or e-book.
Once your ad has enticed people to get to your web site, they
usually need a little bit of time to think about whether or not
they want to purchase. This is where autoresponders come in.
Try putting an email box right below the offer for your product
or service. Place it just below the button people need to click
to order.
Your box should say "Would you like more information?
Put your email address in the box and we will send it to
you." Have the form trigger a three message autoresponder.
Each message should tell the customer more about your
offer, the benefits it can bring them, and other helpful
This method works. We found almost half of those who
asked for more information soon purchased the product or
Only about 10% of us are true impulse buyers. Yet most
web sites focus on getting the visitor to buy, now. On the
contrary, most people need time to consider a purchase
before they will enter their credit card information.
A brief series of autoresponder messages arriving one each
day is a terrific way to keep prospects interested and thinking
about you.
Include links to your site and to the specific page that
feature the offer. In most email programs, putting http://
before your URL turns it into a live link customers can
How to Profit in a Recession
How To Profit in a ... Kevin ... all over North America are telling me business is slow."I can't say there isn't any ... Bob ... "It's justthat it's daHow to Be Remembered
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