Please Note: It is not our job to stop you or anyone that buys or sells fake LV. We just try to educate the ... First of all remember that a handbag reflects your ... That’s why you nee
Please Note: It is not our job to stop you or anyone that buys or sells fake LV. We just try to educate the consumer.
First of all remember that a handbag reflects your personality! That’s why you need an authentic handbag that you will have forever and be proud of.
First thing you have to see when you are about to bid on a designer’s handbag is: Does the auction states and guarantees that the handbag is authentic or full money bag? If not, you should ask. Make sure you can get a full money back guarantee if the handbag is found to be fake. Authentic handbag sellers don’t mind guaranteeing full money back if the handbag is found to be fake. They know their merchandise and they would not jeopardize their reputation to make $50 extra on a fake.
Be extremely cautious if the seller has no feedback. The lower the seller’s feedback the greater the risk you are taking in purchasing from him/her. On the other hand, the higher the sellers’ positive rating, the more likely you will at least get your money back if the item is found to be fake.
Does the seller offer multiples of the same and/or new items at a very low price? Does the offer sounds too good to be true? It might be. Some times the merchandise is counterfeit, but the pictures might reflect authentic merchandise. Check out how much are the other sellers are selling the specific model. Is the seller you are buying selling way too low? Be cautious.
Does the seller have hidden feedback? Some sellers hide their feedback after a negative feedback left from a bad transaction. Why the seller hides his/her feedback should make you think twice. The seller should have his/her feedback available for buyers to see. This is what differentiates sellers that work hard to keep satisfied clients, and people that try to make quick money selling fakes.
Are the photographs in the auction taken from another website that is selling authentic merchandise? Look for inconsistent pictures in the listing. If the picture is taken from someone else, you never know if you are receiving authentic or fake merchandise. Further more; even the seller sometimes might not know that is selling a fake.
Be very cautious if the seller is very new and holds a private auction. The seller should have a decent feedback before choosing the option of private auction.
If you have even the smallest doubts ask for more photos. If you get excuses from the seller and he/she is reluctant in providing more photos, think twice. Also, if the seller provides you with more photos, again look for consistency. Is there a date on the photos? If so, were the photos taken the same day?
Remember: Always ask. The seller should always provide answers. The seller wants you business. An honest and professional seller will always reply with clarifications you might need.
Does the seller have negative feedback reflecting dissatisfied customers? You don’t want to buy from someone that has many negatives. If you do not feel comfortable do not buy because it is cheap. Even if seller sells authentic merchandise, he might be selling defective merchandise that could not otherwise sold in a boutique.
Check out this small but extremely important detail on the picture: DO NOT BUY a Gucci, Prada, or Louis Vuitton if there is a round tag hanging from the handbag. Those tags are attached on the fakes. For more information on specific details in distinguishing fake Gucci, Prada, Fendi, Louis Vuitton and many other Designers handbags see our referral program below.
Need an Authentic Designer Handbag?
Gucci. Prada. Fendi. Save up to 60%.