Harnessing the Power of Stellar Streaming Video to Boost Sales

Jan 2


Alyn Edwards

Alyn Edwards

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The first paragraph of this article provides a brief summary of the content. Al Galbraith and Associates, a real estate marketing firm, has successfully transformed declining industrial towns into flourishing recreational and retirement communities. They have utilized promotional videos on their website to reach a wider audience, with the video being downloaded 30,000 times. Their online campaigns have been so successful that they have reduced their traditional advertising. This article explores how streaming video can enhance your organization's online presence.

H2: Leveraging Internet Technology

The internet has become a powerful tool for businesses,Harnessing the Power of Stellar Streaming Video to Boost Sales Articles and streaming video is one of the most effective ways to utilize this technology. A growing number of internet users are capable of downloading videos, and many find it an exciting novelty. Short videos of less than five minutes can be downloaded quickly, depending on the bandwidth.

H2: Bringing Your Product to Your Clients

With streaming video, potential clients don't need to travel across the country to view real estate properties. They can get a 3-D perspective of the homes, the community, and the geography, and even meet residents and buyers through an online video.

H2: The Persuasive Power of Video

Video is a powerful persuasive tool. It can incorporate spoken words, music, maps, digital effects, and moving images, providing a more intense and compelling user experience. Testimonials are more impactful when delivered by satisfied customers.

H2: Cost-Effective Distribution

The cost of distributing streaming videos is negligible compared to the cost of producing and delivering 30,000 videotapes worldwide.

H2: Positioning Your Company as a Leader

Innovative use of technology can position your company as a leader in your sector. Many customers view a company's innovation as evidence of its creativity and effectiveness.

H2: Public Relations Considerations

From a public relations perspective, it's important to ensure your video achieves your desired goals. Avoid hard-selling pitches, as the internet is an environment where overt commercialism is frowned upon. Instead, adopt a journalistic approach and create a video in the style of a news or documentary item.

H2: Importance of High Production Quality

The quality of your video production must be high. This is not the time to use your family video camera. Hire professional video producers who know what they're doing. You don't need to spend a fortune on the finished product, especially if you adopt the journalistic approach mentioned earlier.

Through streaming video, Galbraith reaches customers he might not have reached through traditional advertising. His streaming videos do all the talking, and for the price of a single full-page ad in the local daily paper, he has produced a tool that can close the sale all by itself. To see this in action, visit Select Property Group.