If you can’t expect results overnight how can you expect to stay in business. There are two kinds of advertising: branding and the kind you can do. So for you there is only one kind of advertising and that is hardcore, retail-oriented, direct response, lead generating, low cost, overnight results-getting advertising.
Building a strong, lasting, competitive brand image takes a long time. It’s built over generations with lots of clever creative and TONS of advertising dollars. If you don’t have Cola Company money to spend, you can’t have Cola Company brands. If you don’t have Theme Park money then you can’t have Theme Park brands. It’s that simple. That’s why you don’t and can’t brand your business. What you need is results. The good news is…results can happen overnight! There are two kinds of direct response advertising, the kind that gets results overnight and the kind that never gets results. That’s it. If your system is sound, your ads are positioned correctly and your ads uncover the emotions of your customers, the results will be immediate. You can turn it on and off like a light switch. If you don’t see results right away, one of these factors was faulty. Our “Gravitational Marketing System” helps you understand, identify and create hardcore, retail-oriented, direct response, lead generating, low cost, overnight results getting advertising. It helps you put all the factors in place and teaches you to troubleshoot your ads that aren’t performing up to snuff. Pretty helpful tool don’t you think? “Stupid commercials!” “I hate advertising!” You’ve heard it all before, people say they don’t like advertising, but some people do like it. In fact they love it. Tomorrow, find out why. Get the full e-book "Ten Tall Tales Of Traditional Marketing That Cost You Tons" and others at our website: http://www.scend.net/resources.htm
Tall Tale #10 “You can’t control word-of-mouth advertising”
We genuinely feel sorry for anyone who believes this. Almost everybody agrees that the ideal form of advertising is word-of-mouth. Don’t you agree? But almost everybody also agrees that it’s impossible to control. That’s nonsense – proliferated by the pay-per-advertise media. They don’t want you to find out that there’s a way to control the best advertising process of all – the one that’s 100% free.Tall Tale #9 “You can’t mix business with pleasure”
We’ve all heard this one, right? And since marketing your business has always seemed so daunting and confusing, how could it ever be pleasurable anyway? But when you start to apply smart marketing principles to your business, you will start to have fun. You’ll have fun because it will become easy to get customers and you’ll be making money without sweating about how to get business. And when you have fun, so will your customers, and that will cause them to return and to tell their friends about you.Tall Tale #8 “You need to be on the Internet”
The Internet is all too often mistreated and misunderstood as a “place to be,” or “something to be on.” Many companies treat the Internet like a billboard, but it’s not. People don’t surf by and see your web site. Your web site is a destination – but not the ultimate one (unless you sell your product online).