You want your prospect to make the decision to buy your product or service. So you show him what you have to offer in your sales letter, web page, ad or ... You lay out the facts, and he come
You want your prospect to make the decision to buy your product or service. So you show him what you have to offer in your sales letter, web page, ad or commercial. You lay out the facts, and he comes to a rational decision based on them. Right?
People buy things based on emotion. And if you’re not connecting emotionally with them, they aren’t going to buy from you. It’s that simple. In fact, studies have shown that people with injuries to the area of the brain that controls emotions don’t just suffer from an inability to feel them. They become paralyzed over even the smallest decisions, like what to have for breakfast.
So how, then, do you go about blazing that path from your prospect’s heart to her wallet? First of all, you tell her what’s in it for her. What are the benefits she will reap from your product or service? Will it allow her to spend more time with her children, and so become a better mother? Will it make her more beautiful? What does she stand to lose if she doesn’t buy from you right now?
Next, take those benefits and paint a vivid picture of her enjoying them. Describe her laying in the grass looking at the clouds with her five year old. Show her co-workers becoming jealous of her beauty, and all the men who are clamoring for her attention. Describe how mundane life is without what you have to offer.
Once you get her emotions stirring, desire is born. Keep fanning the flames with your message, and that desire will lead to action – the purchase of your product or service!
Developing A Focused Marketing Strategy
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