herman drost - ... !! In an age of greed and avarice, where ... of ... is viewed as ... it was with great ... that ... this site. The data was relevant
herman drost - isitebuild !!
In an age of greed and avarice, where every
ounce of knowledge is viewed as potential
profit, it was with great trepidation that I
approached this site. The data was relevant,
pertinant, and very much current. here in
one place could be found the answers to
practically all queries about setting up,
launching, promoting and expounding:
I am an ex systems programmer, so I
would have thought it was easy to get
to grips with the simple task of writing,
indexing and promoting a website.
This is no mean task, a whole new ball
game to me, and a veritable minefield
for the computing uninitiated.
Even when you have written what passes
for your best efforts to please the world
at large (but most of all yourself) it is
not quite the same as typing in your
name to a search and seeing your
very own creation leap at you from
out of the depths of the internet.
To achieve this seemingly simple
task is a daunting and patience sapping
effort; not made any the less hard by
the current trend to charge for what was
originally deemed free; a disturbing
characteristic of the "new" internet.
Enter www.isitebuild.com the answer
in one website. Most of the truly crucial
and otherwise hard to find info is here,
FREE. I could not believe how much
there was i needed to know that was
actually there, in one place, and spot on.
I write this as a truly pleased person,
in gratitude for dissembled knowledge
of high quality, given unstintingly,
and without any profit intended or
taken. I have even given this website
address to my ISP's technical support
guys, it is so good, and so useful.
Don't just take my word for it, go
and read what is there, and walk
away with a feeling of being in
control of the internet, instead of it
being in total mastery of yourself!
I have no axe to grind here, if you
look at my website, it can only be
loss making, certainly no record
profits are going to be made here,
but it is nice to try to get a few people
dropping in, instead of a trickle.
When I started I had 12 people per day,
now, thanks to Herman Drost I have
142 per day and rising very fast, as his
ideas hit the search engines (as it takes
a while to filter through, as in weeks!).
There is no catch here, he is for real
and the theories definitely work.
Also, all the tools you will ever need
are referenced and clickable.
Best of luck websiting,
Malcolm Pugh July 2003
Herman's site : http://www.isitebuild.com
mine :
Now I know why people PAY for domain names!!
The Satirical Verse on Tony Blair: A Critical Look at Political Promises
In this exploration of satirical poetry targeting former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, we delve into the nuances of political satire that uses humor to critique leadership and policy. Satirical poetry, like the piece titled "Smily Smily Grin," serves as a cultural lens, reflecting public sentiment and skepticism towards political figures and their promises. This form of satire not only entertains but also provokes thought by highlighting discrepancies between political rhetoric and reality.The Man Who Would Be Canute: A Modern Tale of Influence and Illusion
In a modern retelling of the legend of King Canute, a man once convinced his superiors that he could control the tides of dissent with mere words. This narrative explores the dynamics of power, perception, and the inevitable confrontation with reality. It serves as a metaphor for the limits of authority and the harsh truths of leadership.Navigating the Future of Google Search: Strategies for Success
In the ever-evolving landscape of search engines, Google has consistently aimed to provide fair and unbiased search results, rewarding genuine effort over manipulation. As Google continues to refine its algorithms, the importance of authentic content and user engagement becomes increasingly paramount. This article delves into the strategies that will help websites thrive in the future of Google search, emphasizing the significance of quality content and the diminishing effectiveness of outdated SEO tactics.