If you were laid off, relax and take advantage of unemployment for now. You have some time to make plans. How about working at home.
What a bad time to belaid off, I am sorry. Try to relax if you can. You have that option of unemployment. Unfortunately, it is becoming a normal thing to be laid off. You are not alone and this world is adjusting to it. Do not feel hopeless. If you were laid off, of course you are going to feel bad and there is not much I can say to make you feel better at the moment. First of all, take no pause in applying for unemployment, you deserve it. That is why it is there. Second, take a couple weeks and try to relax, enjoy yourself. You have sometime before you have to worry about another job. Just do not let yourself get to comfortable. The possibility of you getting a job that will pay the same you were making is not very likely. Take the time you have off and try to think off a plan. There are some jobs out there. As bad as the news sounds, you will not be completely hopeless. You will have to lower your standards and start over. It would be smart to start applying right away. Try to find an opening that suites you and be persistent with it. Keep calling. Chances are there are a lot of people applying. Make your self noticed, be a pest. Do not leave it up to them to pick, help them make the right pick. If you have a hundred people applying, I guarantee you only 5 % of them are being pushy. When most of us apply for a position and know the competition level. We tend to go in with somewhat a negative hit or miss attitude. Go in there and swing away. Relax and start looking. In the mean time, enjoy the advantage of unemployment. Lots of countries do not have this advantage.
Work at Home should you quit your job
If you want to work at home, make sure you have the right guide and the right format. Make sure you are consistent and have a steady income coming in before you decide to quit your job.Can Teens work at Home and make Money Online
There really is no age limit when it comes to working at home. As long as it dose not interfere with your homework, I would say go for it.Money problems I need help
Money Problems can take over a person and how they feel about everything. Money is a need but, Is it possible to adapt with less reliance on it. If only we could make it a hobby to save money.