Choosing your ... varies from person to person. We're all ... and our ... both ... and ... will be ... to us. So often, it's too easy to go off at a tang
Choosing your priorities varies from person to person.
We're all different and our priorities, both
personally and professionally, will be individual to
us. So often, it's too easy to go off at a tangent
and set priorities which we think are important, yet
are often someone else's idea. To set priorities
that work for us and are easier to follow through,
we need to choose our own priorities. To find out
what's really best for you, listen to your intuition.
In other words, listen to your heart, your inner voice
and trust your own instincts. Intuition comes from
inside you and is therefore totally in tune with you
as a person.
Your intuition will guide you perfectly to choose your
priorities - if you listen to it. It's too easy to
discount what your intuition says. Using your
left-brain, the logical and rational side, is a great
way to prioritise your life and it's even more
powerful when you combine it with listening to your
right brain, the intuitive part. Your intuition
quickly tells you things and if you pay close
attention to it, you will make better choices and
faster decisions.
Your intuition will show up in thoughts, feelings, images
and dreams. You may experience your intuition actually
in your body, often referred to as gut instinct, or gut
feelings. You will be able to listen to your intuition
in any of these ways and for most of us, there is one
dominant way in which our intuition shows up. You may
already know for yourself how you experience your
intuition but if not, pay attention to all the different
When you're prioritising your to-do list, a project or
other aspects of your life, one way to access your
intuition is to ask it a question. Questions such as,
"What is a priority for me at the moment?" or "What can
I let go of for the time being?" There are many more
questions you can come up with and I suggest you ask
yourself the question and then relax, and see what
happens. The answer won't always show up immediately
but at some point it will. The answer will often come
when you least expect it. For instance, when you're in
the shower, drifting off to sleep or waking up, or
involved in a completely unrelated task. Remember -
after you've asked the question, you must be aware of
all the ways your intuition can respond to you.
When you've received a response from your intuition, you
need to act on it. I've found that it's trusting,
relying on and acting on your intuition that's the
hardest part for most people. If this is new to you or
you want to develop it further, it's just like anything
else that you want to be able to do well. You must
practice. Intuition is a muscle that needs to be
exercised and the more you use it, the stronger your
faith in it will become. At first you may just want to
take small steps when acting on your intuition. These
small steps can be built on as time goes by and your
confidence in yourself and your intuition builds.
Your intuition is guidance from your higher self and has
your best interests at heart. Choosing your priorities
by following your intuition means you're choosing what
is really right for you. You're not so likely to be
pulled between different priorities.
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