There are 78 cards in a deck. The way they are laid out for a reading is called a tarot spread. The cards are always laid out in geometric patterns which are always pre-specified. Everyone has a spread that they prefer over all other spreads.
There are 78 cards in a deck. The way they are laid out for a reading is called a tarot spread. The cards are always laid out in geometric patterns which are always pre-specified. Everyone has a spread that they prefer over all others. It is very similar to the way you lay out the cards in your hand of rummy.
Each spread is used to gain extra information and each position is assigned to various topics like the future, the past, career, romance, health, etc. There are hundreds of spreads for tarot readings. Finding the one that suits you the best is the main hurdle. Spreads can range from one card to all 78 being used in a spread. Once you are more familiar with the way a spread can work, you can even create one for yourself.
Since there are so many topics, you have to find at least one spread for each topic to get comfortable with. Once you are familiar with it, you will find that you are able to read more deeply into the cards. This also happens when you get familiar with the cards in your pack. This will also help when you want to create your own tarot spread.
It is very important to remember that the energy of the person you are reading for has to be felt by the tarot cards when they shuffle the deck. Make sure that they shuffle the whole deck for a good amount of time so that each card goes through their hands at least once. This is important. In fact, it is almost as important as the spread you chose for them for the reading. They need to concentrate on the question they want to ask as well when they shuffle. The energy that the cards absorb will show up in the spread and also when you are laying it out in the spread.
One of the most commonly used tarot spreads is the full Celtic Cross. It is the easiest to lay out and read. Most use this till such time they are ready to try out the other more complicated spreads. It has eleven positions which give it ample opportunity to represent situations in all their complexities. This is why it has been used as the standard spread for a very long time. Another one is the Horoscope spread. Each of the twelve Zodiac signs is represented by a card. The Life Cycle uses the magic of the number nine to show your past, present and future.
Sometimes tarot card readings can be combined with other readings like rune stone casting, aura readings, numerology readings, etc. This would depend on your level of comfort in the combination.
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