Top 5 Dating Ideas for Singles
Tips on preparing for that big date
Your date is just a few days away and you are trying your best to prepare for it. Besides the basic things such as thinking about what to wear and not forgetting to be punctual on the big day,

what are some of the most important pointers to remember? 1. Be Yourself, Be Real
Do not try to be someone else, because people can tell if you’re inventing something up to impress them. In fact, you want to appear relaxed and sincere about getting to know your date better as a person.
2. Be Interesting and Funny
Everyone loves someone who is interesting and has a good sense of humor. Broaden your knowledge on current topics that will interest people and learn to tell jokes (nothing corny or offensive please!) or even stories (inspiring stories always get people's attention). Do that and you'll find yourself breaking the ice easily and winning your way to someone's heart as early as your first date!
3. Bring a gift
Perfect for second dates, this is a thoughtful gesture that would certainly leave a good, lasting impression on your partner. Your gift doesn't have to be expensive, but it should be something meaningful such as handmade card just to appreciate your partner for being someone special in your life.
4. Be courteous
You might be surprised to know that women love men who are genuinely nice and they can easily tell by their manners. Show your best qualities! Compliment your date if she looks great, help her hold the door, and as much as possible, never interrupt her if she says something important.
5. Find common ground
The quickest way to build rapport is to get your date to talk about his or her interests. Ideally, both of you should focus on sharing common interests because you never know if either one of you may like the things you like and that makes for an enjoyable, memorable conversation.