1. Write a list of ... you want in all 8 areas of your life. Physical ... Health, ... ... ... ... Personal ... Finances
1. Write a list of everything you want in all 8 areas
of your life. Physical environment, Health,
Friends/Family, Work/Business, Partner/Relationship,
Fun/Recreation, Personal Development, Finances.
When you can clearly see everything you want, your
choice of focus is more balanced.
2. List all the things you don't want to have and then
turn them around to identify what you do want. It's
often easier to identify what you don't want and
this enables you to focus on what you do want.
3. Define your vision, i.e. what you see as possible
and then remove from your lists anything that doesn't
fit. Your unique vision comes from within you,
allowing you to focus on what's really right for you
4. Remove from your lists anything you feel pushed to do
either by yourself or others. When you only have
things you feel pulled and drawn towards, it's more
exciting and easier to achieve.
5. Tell yourself the truth about what you really want.
There's often a lot of fear involved in being truthful,
even with ourselves. Face up to this fear and by being
truthful, you'll have a clearer picture of what you
really want.
6. Stop trying to choose what to focus on and step back by
taking time for yourself to either read, be with
friends, laugh, play, have fun, discover and dream.
These activities allow for new possibilities, different
perspectives and a freedom to make choices based on
clarity, rather than pressure.
7. Don't allow the negative feeling "I can't" stop you
from going for what you really want. Most things are
achievable by most people and by taking one small
step forward, you'll see that "I can" is a real
8. Focus your time, energy and attention on what you do
want, rather than what you don't want. You'll get
more out of whatever you focus your attention on.
9. Narrow down your list of what you want to one specific
thing for now, by numbering all the items and then set
up a draw sheet as used in sports tournaments. Your
emotional and instinctive sides will come into play
and leave you with one specific item to focus on.
10. Identify at least one step you can take immediately
towards achieving this item. As you initiate the
action, decide on the next step and keep on until
you've achieved what you really want. Taking actions,
even small ones, builds your momentum, confidence and
moves you towards your goals.
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