This article gives you ideas on how you can make money with affiliate marketing without even owning a website! If you are interested to find out more about affiliate marketing as well other key essential tools to start your internet business please visit : The Internet Marketing Training Center
Time and time again, internet marketers have claimed that to do business in the World Wide Web, you'd need your own website. Your own website, they say, is your headquarters in cyberspace. It's your very own digital store where you could lead potential customers and where you offer the products you have for sale.
Though it's true that having your own website can greatly aid you in your quest to achieve success in the online field, a website is not the end all and be all of internet salesmanship, particularly in the line of affiliate marketing. Yes, you could make a living online as an affiliate even if you do not have the benefit of your own website!
How is this possible? How can this be done? Read on, dear friend, as we discuss alternative strategies that will allows you to make the most out of your affiliate marketing campaigns without having your own webpage on the net.
Affiliate marketing is a program whereby the affiliate can earn some generous commissions for every successful sale they manage to refer to the affiliate merchant. The affiliate's task is merely to pre-sell the affiliate merchant's goods. The sales page, the payment processing, the digital delivery, and post sales services shall be the responsibilities of the affiliate merchant.
The affiliate only has to refer people to the affiliate merchant's sales page. This can be done by making people click on the affiliate links exclusively provided for the affiliate. Now, these affiliate links are very important. They are like the markers for the affiliate program. They will tell the system that a visitor was actually referred by the appropriate affiliate.
Marketing the affiliate merchant's goods without the benefit of a website entails marketing the affiliate links in a variety of channels that would serve the affiliate in lieu of a website of his own. This can be done through the following techniques:
1) Article marketing
We all know how powerful affiliate marketing can be in link building campaigns. But instead of providing for links to your own website, you could provide your affiliate links instead. Article directories allow you a resource box per submission, where you could tell your readers about yourself as well as leave a link of your choice. Now, you have to remember that some article directories do not allow affiliate links in the bodies of the articles themselves, but affiliate links are perfectly allowed in the resource box. Great places to start your article marketing campaign are , and
2) Forum marketing
Online communities, or forums, are likewise great channels where you could promote your affiliate links. Membership in pHp 2.0 based forums gives you a signature box where you could advertise your links. Use this to advertise your affiliate links. For every post you will make, your signature box would appear. Post a thousand messages, and you'll have a thousand pages advertising your affiliate links! Want to know the forums which are relevant to the subject serviced by the affiliate products you're promoting? Use the tool at to find the appropriate online community.
3) Advertise in eZines
This may cost you some cash, as many eZines charge for advertising space. Nonetheless, you could expose your affiliate links to highly targeted prospects using this approach. Imagine if the eZine has a list of 10,000 people. You'd immediately be able to reach 10,000 quality leads with one advertisement. Again, you don't need a website. Simply use your affiliate link in your ads.
The absence of your own website is never a bar to online success. Most of the strategies we have discussed here can be accomplished without spending a single cent. If you do not have the financial resources to register a domain or to subscribe to a web hosting service, you could still achieve success with affiliate marketing. Joining an affiliate program is free. Promoting your affiliate links can likewise be availed of without any charges. Good luck!
If you are interested to find out more about affiliate marketing as well other key essential tools to start your internet business please visit :The Internet Marketing Training Center
3 Indispensable Tools for the High Rolling Affiliate Marketer
Do you want to become a high rolling affiliate marketer? This article provides 3 simple to implement tools for you to become one. If you are to interested find out more about affiliate marketing as well other key essential tools to start your internet business please visit : The Internet Marketing Training CenterBe Special! Set Yourself Apart From Other Affiliates
This article how you simple techniques on how you can set yourself apart from other affiliates and make more money! If you are interested to find out more about affiliate marketing as well other key essential tools to start your internet business please visit : The Internet Marketing Training CenterIt is A Bird. It is A Plane. No. It is the Super Affiliate!
The article gives you a step by step guide on how you can become a super affiliate, without wearing your underwear inside out! If you are interested to find out more about affiliate marketing as well other key essential tools to start your internet business please visit : The Internet Marketing Training Center