This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to establish your own affiliate program if you own a website that sells products or services. It's not as challenging or costly as you might think, and the benefits are substantial. The money you save from promoting your site can be used to pay your affiliates!
An affiliate program is a method that allows others to sell or promote your products and services in exchange for a commission.
In the past, only large websites could establish and manage affiliate programs. Today, it's straightforward, and there are several ways to do it. You could have someone install the necessary scripts on your server and manage it yourself. This method gives you full control, but you need to be able to accept online credit card payments via your own merchant account.
It's not as expensive or complicated as it seems, sometimes it's about who you know. For instance, my hosting company provided and installed the script on my latest site for free and offers excellent service. You can learn more about this option at Rambit.
Before deciding which route to take, you need to determine the objectives of your affiliate program. You can either replicate your entire site or install a script that simply tracks your affiliate sales. Your decision will depend on what you hope to achieve.
For example, on the WWW Treasure Hunt site, I have two affiliate programs. One compensates for Treasure Hunter sign-ups, and the other rewards affiliates for advertisers.
If you don't have your own merchant account, you could use a service like Clickbank. They provide a payment facility and will track your affiliate sales.
If you have your own merchant account but want an outside company to handle and track your affiliate program, you could use a service like Linkshare or CJ, who make it easy and handle everything for a fee.
When deciding on which service to use to set up your affiliate program, consider things from the affiliate's perspective. A key factor to running a successful affiliate program is having happy affiliates. Make things easy for them. Offer different banner sizes, text links, real-time stats, and e-mail notification when sales are made.
Once your affiliate program has been set up, you'll need to promote it. As a starting point, list your site at Revenews, Associate Programs, and Affiliate Broadcast. These sites also provide information on marketing your own affiliate program.
In conclusion, there are many options for you to choose from, depending on your circumstances, financial situation, and whether you sell products or services. Whichever method you choose, you could soon be on your way to becoming the next!
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