Top 7 Tips To Become A Super Affiliate Marketer
Affiliate Marketing is dominated by Super Affiliates. Everyone of us would like to be one of them, but how to be a super affiliate. Is there any secret for being a super affiliate?
Affiliate Marketing is a billion dollar internet marketing business where new affiliate marketers are joining everyday. Some choose it as a part time job and others leave their day job and opt it as a full time profession. But one cannot understand why some affiliate marketers get most of the basket while others struggle to earn their first dollar even after considerable time and effort. Some say that 95% of the affiliate marketing business is shared by 5% of super affiliates. So what is the specialty of super affiliates? How they differ from the normal affiliate marketers? These are the questions that shoot up in the mind. Let me put the top 7 tips that clearly emphasize the
secrets of super affiliates. 1.
Test The Product: Before promoting any product/service you need to purchase and test the product. Without using the product,

you cannot give your honest opinion about the product. You can sell the product better when you personally list out the pros and cons of the product. 2.
Have Faith In The Product: Do not promote the product just for the sake of earning commission. Have faith in the product. Live testimonials do provide a good base for faith in the product. When you personally recommend a product, there is a greater chance that that a shopper buys the product with more confidence. 3.
Sell Through Authority Source: Get a website and promote the products with authority. Some prefer to sell the products through classified ads and PPC ads redirecting the visitor to the vendor’s site. But a powerful landing page of your website could authenticate the sale. 4.
Get Interacted With The Merchant: Merchant or vendor interaction could be more fruitful in affiliate marketing. Some merchants interact with the affiliates through the forums thereby providing useful inputs to have a greater success rate in promoting the affiliate products. 5.
Promotion through Advertising Mix: Promote the affiliate products with a varied advertising mix. Do not limit yourself to a single method. Test and track the results of the advertising methods. Some affiliates are of the opinion that only Google Adwords is top converting PPC. But they should not forget that Yahoo and MSN’s PPC ads are available at much cheaper prices for the same keyword. What is important is a higher ROI at the end. 6.
Ask For The Feedback And Provide Support: It is a good practice to ask for a feedback regarding the product or the service rendered. Make a feedback form at the bottom of the website. This gives the impression that the affiliate is really interested in the visitor’s experience. Moreover one should make a habit that if the support is needed; you should provide it at the earliest through email or on phone. 7.
Publish Newsletters: Collect and save the email address of the visitors on a simple Microsoft excel sheet or notepad. You can publish newsletters to remind them to make a purchase or send them the related information. This type of reminding through newsletters will develop a relationship with your subscribers to make a repetitive purchase.