Use Master Resale Rights a Legitimate Web Business
Master resale rights for popular e-books and software is quickly gaining in popularity by many webmasters, even those whose current sites are in completely different categories. Webmasters are rapidly realizing the huge profit potential associated with resale rights is too good to pass up. They find that selling master resale rights eliminates most of the headaches of owning a traditional "brick and mortar" business.
Possibly the biggest reason for the surge in popularity is the extremely low cost of running this business. Any business that delivers physical goods understands the costs associated with putting up a storefront,

warehousing, and delivery. These costs cut right into your profits, thus making you work harder for your money, and nobody wants to do that.
With master resale rights, your storefront is your website. You can set-up and own one for free just by doing a search for "free websites" or "free webspace" on any search engine. All you have to do is buy the domain name; however, most free sites will provide one for you, although it will not be the domain of your choosing. For more details login to Also, with the ability to save your product free on your hard drive, and with delivery done within your site or by email, you can see all costs are reduced to practically nothing.
Not only does the business owner save a ton of money, he/she also saves valuable time. The process can be set up to be totally automated, thus making master resale rights even more appealing. Using Paypal or Clickbank as your payment processor allows you to direct the customer to the page of your choice upon successful completion of their purchase. You can use a premade "thank you" page or use one of your own that contains the download link and a brief thank you letter. You can then set up an autoresponder to the email of the customer who just made the purchase, and offer some sort of "up sell" to keep them coming back to your site. To learn more visit to This will result in future sales and a bigger paycheck for you. Using an autoresponder is very important, as it completes most of the work for you. A search on any search engine for "free autoresponder" will offer you many different, excellent choices.
Another reason for the surge in popularity is all the content is done for you. This makes owning a master resale rights business profitable, hands free, and completely "cookie cutter" simple. Everything from the product, the sales page, even the thank you page is already premade by marketing professionals. Most of these pages have great on page optimization, with good keyword density, are very attractive, and are very effective at pulling sales. As most internet marketers know, the most difficult and time consuming task of creating a successful website is writing an effective sales page. Now, with the work done for you, all you have to do is copy the page from your computer and upload it to your website.
With all of the benefits stated above, it is easy to see why master resale rights have created a stir among the webmaster community. With the costs around 1% of traditional businesses, and simplicity of the system, master resale rights recent surge in popularity is just the beginning. As more and more surfers search the internet for information, e-books, and software, you can provide them just what they need, and make a tidy profit in the process.