Struggling to get people to sign up to your programs? Here are five reasons why and how to avoid them.
You’re in the process of introducing a new program to your database and everything is prepared.
Your sales page is up; your shopping cart/payment gateway is ready to accept participants; and you’re sending out emails to prospective clients who you know could benefit from your support.
Launching a new program (or product/service) is certainly an exciting and busy time. However excitement can soon turn into concern,

and concern to panic if you’re nearing the start date with hardly anyone booked in? Can you relate?
Help! Where did you go wrong?
While there can be multiple reasons why you haven’t got clients flocking to your door, here are five common mistakes that can result in minimum signups to your programs.
See if you recognise any.
Mistake 1: You haven’t created the ‘irresistible’ factor
As a service provider it’s vital to build a strong signature brand that instantly captures the spirit, personality and passion of YOU and what you do. A strong brand will enable you to stand out in a crowded marketplace as an expert and leader in your field.
And, building a reputation as the expert and leader in your field who delivers amazing results will make you irresistible to your ideal client.
It’s also important to have a uniquely branded Signature System. What’s a Signature System? It’s the step-by-step process you’ll take clients through in your program.
People prefer order and structure and will place more value on a well-defined system than an unstructured and vaguely laid out program. They’ll be far more likely to invest in your program if you show them you’ve got a proven step-by-step system that will help them reach their desired goals.
Have you got a strong signature brand and signature system that’s making you irresistible to your ideal clients and prospects?
Mistake 2: You’re promoting program features – not benefits
While providing an outline of your program (your Signature System) is important – be mindful of WHAT you highlight. Don’t just promote the step-by-step outline of your program as these are just the features. Instead tell your prospect about the benefits and results they can expect to achieve if investing in your program.
For instance, one of my Signature Systems is my Unearthing Your Brilliance – Your Brand Private VIP Session where I take people through a step-by-step process to help them define and develop their own powerful authentic Signature Brand.
Notice in the following example, how I position the features of the program alongside the benefits they can expect to achieve:
“When you invest in the Unearth Your Brilliance Branding Program, you’ll also learn:
• How to create the heart and soul of your brand by identifying your primary and influencing Brand Archetype’s making you become irresistible to your ideal clients.
• Specific words that speak directly to each of the Brand Archetypes’ needs and desires. Sprinkle these throughout your marketing messages to attract and influence the people YOU want to work with.
• How to develop your on-brand core marketing message so that clients feel compelled to invest in you and your services.
Even if you already have a brand, the ‘Unearth Your Brilliance’ Branding Program will reveal vital tweaks that can dramatically boost sales and results. Best of all, the process is easy and FUN!”
As you can see, rather than listing the step-by-step process (the ‘features’), I have highlighted the results (‘benefits’) my clients will achieve. I know this is something they’re looking to resolve and therefore increase their desire to invest in the program.
So, what benefits can your clients expect if they invest in your program? Are you using words you know will speak to their needs and create desire so they invest in you?
Mistake 3: You’re marketing to the masses
While it may be true that anyone can benefit from your program if you market your program to the masses, you’ll probably find fewer (if any at all) people signing up. This is because your marketing message doesn’t speak to their needs and fails to demonstrate how you can help them.
Niching is vital. Get clear on the struggles your target market faces, the problems they experience and what keeps them up at night. Be specific, speak directly to their issues and desires and show them that your program provides the step-by-step solution to their problem.
Do you know what keeps your target market up at night? Are you using the same phrases and words in your marketing to show them you have the answer to their problems?
Mistake 4: You haven’t got a strategic marketing plan
While it would be great to be able to fill your entire program with just one email – in reality you’ll find you have to send several pieces of communication to someone, before they make their purchase decision.
Remember, there’s not just ONE way to fill a program. It can take several methods of communication to get ONE person into your program.
Avoid the ad hoc, spontaneous approach when marketing your program. Instead, have a well thought out marketing plan that includes various ways of communicating that is sent out a period of time leading up to the start date.
Map out your integrated marketing plan using some of the methods from my Brand Communications Wheel, which includes:
• Social Media Networks
- LinkedIn
- Twitter
- Facebook
• Speaking
• Articles
• Blog Posts
• Video
• Webinars
• Podcast / Audios
Which method(s) will you use to market your program? How often will you reach out to your list? And, how will you bring this information to your list in different formats so that you don’t sound repetitive?
Mistake 5: You’re marketing too many programs/products at the same time
Have a number of programs, products and services you offer to clients? Great! Don’t be tempted to promote these at the same time. You’ll only confuse your prospects and they’ll more than likely not sign up for any of them.
Make sure your marketing plan schedules the promotion of just one of your programs over a certain period of time so your list/contacts can see a consistent message about that one program.
Once that program has been filled, you can start to promote another one of your offerings.
Remember, an overwhelmed prospect will more than likely not invest in any of your offerings so only market one program/product at a time.
What do you think? Was this helpful? What will you do differently next time you launch a program to ensure you get more enrolments into your program?
Here’s to your successful program launch!