Affordable Wheelchair Options For You
Various types of wheelchairs are available in the market. Some of them are manual, lightweight, pediatric and electric. This is the traditional model of a wheelchair and has the largest turning radius than other variants.
An electric powered wheelchair is popular than the manual variant. A wheelchair is a mobility device that is mounted on wheels. This is mostly used by people who are old and who have difficulties to walk due to sickness or injury. Physically handicapped people rely on these chairs to move from one corner of their home to another. Various types of wheelchairs are available in the market. Some of them are manual,

lightweight, pediatric and electric.
An electric powered wheelchair is better than the manual variant
An electric powered wheelchair is operated by battery or motor. An old or physically disabled person will always prefer to use this variant than the manual one as the later variant is tiresome to operate. Rechargeable battery is used in order to supply power to the wheelchair. The battery is kept under the seat so that the person who will use this finds enough legroom. Some of common batteries that are used to operate this type of chair are as follows:
1. Gel Cell – This is heavier and can last long.
2. Wet Cell – This is light in weight and cheap.
3. AGM – This is expensive, heavy and require less maintenance.
A power wheelchair is cost effective as you do not have to buy the batteries every time the charge becomes zero. Charge these by plugging into an electronic socket.
You can use electric powered wheelchairs for outdoors and indoors. It is advisable to buy lightweight models so that you can carry it anywhere you want. If you opt for folded variants then you can keep this in any corner of your home.
Three basic models of a wheelchair
1. Front-Wheel Drive – This model is best for using indoors. The drive wheels are placed away from the area where you seat. It has a tight turning radius. Large wheels attached at the front ensure comfortable ride even on rough roads.
2. Rear-Wheel Drive - This is the traditional model of a wheelchair and has the largest turning radius than other variants.
3. Mid-Wheel Drive – As the name indicates, the drive wheels are attached in the middle of a wheelchair. This model also has a tight turning radius
There are many service providers who offer complete mobility solutions for their clients. You can get information about them and their services from the Internet. A visit to an official website of a company will help you to know about mobility services and wheelchair. Riverside residents prefer to contact that company which provides not only good products but also free consultations to their customers.