Most people think that information marketing is pretty much a solo venture. However, it's important to understand that you cannot do everything alone. Often you have to go to outside sources to help make your information marketing business a success. There are some basic questions you have to ask when you do this, so read on to find out how to get help for your information marketing business.
One of the benefits of being at the Information Marketing Institute is that you are surrounded by real pros. My colleagues at IMI are all seasoned writers who can come up with great copy in a flash; we have top notch in-house customer service representatives; our technical staff fixes Internet problems at light speed.
Basically, I have no wants or needs outside my own regular duties.
I'm quite fortunate to work in a place with a lot of hard workers and, for me, free in-house assistance. Now you may not have this option. As an info marketer, you might be a totally solo enterprise. But that's alright. You can still gain allies to your information marketing business fairly easily.
Here are the most common questions you should ask yourself when going to seek help from a professional:
-- Whom do I need? This is the toughest question, but with most information marketing businesses, you should get in contact with a computer repair service and be communicative with your Internet host providers. These people's phone numbers are good to have close to your phone in case your computer crashes and you need assistance quickly. It is also good to get to know a copy editor and graphic designer, as you can send them your writing to be proofread or contract them to create good logos, web site designs, etc., for your business.
-- Where can I find them? With the abundance of online services these days, the best place is to check is the Internet. Popular sites like Craigslist often post people who provide copy editing, graphic design, or technical support services. These professionals are cheap and you can often wind up building a good professional relationship with them after a short interaction. Check around copy and print shops as well, as these types of professionals often post their services on the shops' message boards. Depending on the type of your information marketing business, you might also want to consult trade publications as well.
-- How much do I compensate them? Again, this can be a tough question. Ask them what their rate is or, if you are on a tight budget, offer them a flat fee for their services. No one likes to be cheap, but often people will help you just to get experience if you are short on cash. If they do the job well, it's a good idea to refer them to friends, family, and other professionals.
-- How do I know they are reputable? If you're unsure of their skills, ask for a portfolio or references. If these requests aren't met to your satisfaction, search out other help. Remember: this is your business. You want the best, so you have to get the best. This includes professional associates. My friend works on film sets. The work often involves long hours and sometimes for little pay. But he loves the collaborative atmosphere -- everyone is helping everyone towards a common goal. Keep this in mind when you search out external help for your information marketing business. The best collaborations you make will only strengthen your business.
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