Notes on New Media -- What You Can Use to Promote Your Information Product

Mar 21


James Burt

James Burt

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For some, new digital media is nothing short of intimidating and cumbersome. It appears as more hassle to daily life and appears to provide no aid to your everyday life. For an information marketer though, this new media can be extremely beneficial to making your business that much more successful. Read on to see how.


Digging through my CD and vinyl collection this past weekend,Notes on New Media -- What You Can Use to Promote Your Information Product Articles I found
some old discs from my friends and favorite bands of recent
years. One band had gone on to be signed by a major label and
had a succession of hits. So now this disc that sat in my
collection, which the band had originally given out free at a
show, is now something of a collector's item. They recorded
this debut on a computer in the basement of a member's
parents' basement back when "Pro Tools" and digital recording
technology were something quite new. And look what

This is something I can highly recommend to all you
information marketers out there. After your business is
established and you see some revenue coming in, consider
using some of that cash to invest in new media to promote your
product(s). You never know what kind of success you can have
with this sort of venture.

Here are some suggestions that I have seen some other
information marketers use:

--- CD-ROM: A CD-ROM can act as a virtual paper release for
one of your information products. Suppose you had a special
report or other newsletter that proved popular with your clients.
You can take that same report and create a digital version of it
and then burn it to a CD-ROM. This can be offered as a one-
time special offer, or as a bonus to one of your existing print
info products. You can use the same template as your
newsletters, add some graphics or colors using "Microsoft
Word" or "," and then compile them for CD-ROM

--- Webinar: A lot of successful info marketers are working
globally these days; therefore, they cannot make contact with
all of their clients when they want to. Now they have turned to
the digital forum to do so. You can do the same. If you have a
special message and a video camera, record yourself and
upload it to your web site. Either that or offer it as a special
bulletin to your clients. People looking at your face graphically
and hearing you presenting information orally will see that
there is a person behind the words and will therefore be more
apt to purchase your products. Don't worry if you are not
digitally savvy -- you can get information on uploading videos
from the Internet or from your electronics retailer.

--- DVD: One fellow information marketer began hosting his
own info sessions across the U.S. He saw that the session, as
well as being popular, contained valuable information for all of
his contacts and he decided to record it all on video, like a live
concert recording. He edited the footage down, added titles and
a bit of music, and before long had a new product in his hands
in the form of a DVD. This is a good option for you. If you
wind up hosting an event or information session, you might
want to consider creating a DVD of the session and marketing
it at a future date. This type of product can be costly, as you
may have to hire a video editor, but it can also be very
profitable in the end.

Digital media has the unique characteristic of being able to be
utilized by anyone. And since it shares this characteristic with
information marketing, the two go hand-in-hand in helping
further make your information marketing business a success.