Apartment Living Sometimes Offers More Than Owning A Home
Do you ever wonder why some people choose apartment rentals rather than invest in their own home? Instead of worrying about throwing your money away, consider it an investment in your credit rating.
Do you ever wonder why some people choose apartment rentals rather than invest in their own home? Isn't it the American dream to have a white picket fence and neatly trimmed front lawn? Whether it's due to lack of credit,

lack of interest in yard care and maintenance or desire for luxury amenities and freedom, many consumers are opting to rent.
Owning a home is not really an option for those of us with poor credit. But there is good news! Apartment rentals can actually build up poor credit. Instead of worrying about throwing your money away, consider it an investment in your credit rating. Ensure you have a good relationship with your landlord and that they report acceptance of your timely rental fees to the appropriate bureau. Add to that timely payments on electricity, gas, internet, and cable and you will be building positive credit relationships every step of the way.
Yard Care & Maintenance
Many apartment renters have or choose a lifestyle that leaves little time for yard care and building maintenance. Renters often have small families and busy, high-paced careers. This is very important to keep in mind when assessing your housing options. Owning your home means there's no landlord to call in times of trouble. And you'll probably have to mow or trim bushes or clean out the eaves more often than you might like.
When it comes to apartment rentals, you get what you pay for. Those of us with small families and busy careers may be more interested in the building's amenities than having our own 2-car garage. Covered parking, access gates, swimming pools, tennis courts, high-end shared entertainment lounges, dry-cleaning and concierge services, and rooftop BBQ patios are just some of the amenities that are sometimes offered by newer complexes. For many folks, these benefits (and not having to pay to maintain them) are worth a little extra money in rent.
Perhaps the most lucrative aspect of renting is the freedom to move across town or across the country at any point in time. Many home-owners feel burdened with their investment when it comes time to put it on the market. Homes are long-term commitments and investments. Getting out what you put in isn't always possible with a house that you have to sell quickly due to a career change or family expansion. Apartment rentals are flexible enough to adapt with your life changes.