Business Process Integration in Automation Industry
Business process integration is all about outcome or profits of the automation industry. Automation industries play an important role in the Indian economy. The Automation provides higher production rates and increased productivity, improved safety and better product quality.
Business process Integration is all about outcome or profits of the automation industry. Automation industries play an important role in the Indian economy. There are several Automation industries in India which earn much profit every year. These Automation industries will also export the products to other countries. The company manufactures a large number of products in a single time. This does not require more human efforts. Automation technology reduces the man power work. The automation term is mainly used in manufacturing industry. Robotics is one of the automation technology inventions. This Robotic offers powerful performance. The Automation technology has also brought great achievements in many areas such as transportation,

communications, service industries, transportation and consumer products. Telephone switching is one of the earliest practical applications of automation. Other applications of automation in communication systems are communication satellites, Local area network and automated mail sorting machines. You will also find many automation applications in transportation industries. This includes automatic pilots in aircraft and locomotives, airline reservation systems and urban mass transit systems. This airline reservation system is continuously monitoring the status of all flights. The Automation provides higher production rates and increased productivity, improved safety and better product quality. This has also reduced the number of working hours. It requires less amount of time to complete the work. Now, the technology has improved and many companies are using automated machines. You will also see many automated machines in everyday life. Some of these machines are automated dishwasher, automated washing machine and ATM machine. There are many automation industries present in India. It provides excellent product to the user. This company manufactures large group of products and exports to other countries. Each day profit of this company is very high. They use an advanced technology to manufacture this product. The Automation has brought great revolution in India.