One of the joys of being an entrepreneur is that we get to make it up as we go along. We can use our businesses, not only to make a profit and provide a service, but to be a vehicle for expressing and attracting our soul's desires.
One of the joys of being an entrepreneur is that we get to make it up as we go along. We can use our businesses, not only to make a profit and provide a service, but to be a vehicle for expressing and attracting our soul's desires.
Recently, in a teleseminar series with Alexandria Brown and David Neagle called "The 7 Mindset and Manifesting Secrets of Multimillionaire Entrepreneurs," they said the first secret is Desire. Being in alignment with our soul's desire is the starting point for creating, attracting and manifesting all that it takes for a successful life and business.
Our souls want only our happiness. As I discovered and wove spiritual practices into how I worked with clients, I realized over time that the most successful results came from seven foundation principles and seven action steps.
Seven Foundation Principles of Soul Power
Seven foundation principles help entrepreneurs stay in alignment with their soul's desire. The most successful entrepreneurs I know have these qualities.
Intention - being clear about the over-arching purpose; going beyond defining outcomes to a larger purpose such as "whatever we say or do is in the highest good of our clients."
Integrity - being honest and transparent, being authentic, and being true to the intention.
Intuition - being open to the wisdom of hunches, impressions, inner nudges and possibilities.
Imagination - being free to play with possibilities, being open to magic, asking questions like, "What result would be the most fun, the easiest and the most powerful all at once?"
Inner guidance - seeking and listening to the wisdom of our higher selves; being open to divine guidance.
Integration - engaging body, mind, heart and soul; qualitative and quantitative; left-brain and right-brain; visions, thoughts, feelings, facts and actions -- not one or another, but all of it!
"I" (your highest wisest self) - inviting the highest and wisest aspects of yourself to guide the direction and process.
You might have noticed that the first four of these are "being" qualities, and next three are "doing" qualities.
Yes, you can weave all of these qualities into any situation without doing or saying things that cause people to roll their eyes or dismiss you as flaky. I've had a lot of fun discovering and refining techniques to ensure these seven foundation principles are infused into any situation - in ways that that are totally appropriate for the circumstances, the task and the people involved.
Seven Soul Power Steps
I love hanging out in the realms of intention and imagination, but we are also in this world to have physical experiences. The essence of manifesting is to bring our highest visions and intentions into physical form. To do that, we need to take action - inspired action -- in the physical realm.
Seven crucial Soul Power Steps take you from the "wistful gleam in the eye" stage to "wow, we achieved a miracle." In the next e-zines, I'll tell you more about each step.
Your coaching challenge: check the foundation principles
Think of a goal, a project, a task, an event or anything that is on your "to do" list for the next week. Quick, pick one.
While you hold that in your mind, imagine that it is infused with the energy of each of the seven Soul Power founding principles - intention, integrity, intuition, imagination, inner guidance, integration, and "I" (your highest self).
What does it look like, sound like and feel like when it is infused with these positive energies?
What one simple, easy thing can you say or do today that will amplify these positive energies?
Going Global
However the news might appear, the consciousness of the human race is evolving and rising. Each time one of us spends even a few more minutes in the energy of love, that helps to raise our human consciousness and the global vibration.
I believe that the seven founding principles of Soul Power are all facets of universal love, the source of all that is. As we amplify these energies in any situation, we help to raise the planetary vibration.
In each newsletter I will suggest a way you can use your imagination to help raise the planetary vibration. Here's the first one.
Pick one of the seven Soull Power founding principles - whichever one appeals to you the most right now - intention, integrity, intuition, imagination, inner guidance, integration, "I" (your highest self). If none of these appeals to you at this moment, pick another energy - love, joy, truth, peace, fun, wisdom...
Have fun playing with this. If the images or impressions shift and change, enjoy that too.
If you are moved to do or say something because of this, go for it.
Just a few minutes of imagining the earth permeated with positive energy may uplift how you feel, and that too will raise the planetary vibration.
Clear the energy
We all can think of places where the energy on the space affects us. Energy fills physical spaces and the residual energy can affect the space and people who enter at a later date.Just keep imagining it working
Worrying while waiting at a red light and not worrying about traffic. Money and deadlines worry. Would I be able to pull off a challenging project, etc. "I'll worry about that later" is what I remember saying fFor each thing I was worrying about.How much of this is mine?
I was feeling anxious with a knot in my stomach and it certainly was not new to me. The anxiety is not all mine and we can feel what others are feeling.