A clock generator is used to produce a clock pulse timing signals Microprocessors and other integrated circuits use a clock to function A clock generator is available as a single integrated circuit and is commonly used as the clock source for various electronic and processing systems The clock generator is used to set a time or speed to which individual units synchronize The process of synchronization is very important in complex processes and programs that use many devices
A clock generator is used to produce a clock pulse. timing signals. Microprocessors and other integrated circuits use a clock to function. A clock generator is available as a single integrated circuit and is commonly used as the clock source for various electronic and processing systems. The clock generator is used to set a time or speed to which individual units synchronize. The process of synchronization is very important in complex processes and programs that use many devices.
Working of a clock generator:
The clock generator is an electrical circuit with a resonant circuit and an amplifier. The resonator circuit is made up of a quartz piezo-electric oscillator. The amplifier circuit inverts a signal from the oscillator and some portion is led back into the oscillator so that the oscillation continues.
Types of clock generators:
micro controller type with a crystal oscillator
micro controller with resistor-capacitor pair
Programmable: Different output levels can be programmed. Used in graphics, disk drives and clock synchronizing applications.
Flexible type
direct rambus clock generator: performs clock multiplication using PLL
Multi-clock generator: can generate multiple systems clocks
Clock generator with dual 1-to-4 buffers
Dual PLL multi-clock generator
Clock generators are used in:
PC and peripheral IC-personal computer
line-powered 60 Hz clock generator
programmable clock generator
MIDI, digital TV applications
6 output PLL frequency generator
IBIS simulation models, low-power
synchronous voltage-to-frequency converter
digital resampler
mixed-signal microcontroller applications
voice band audio processor
fixed-point digital signal processors
floating-point DSP
USB streaming controller
DSP multi-channel audio serial port
dual-core processor clock generation and system reset management
133-MHz clock synthesizer/driver for PC motherboards
large audio recording studios where a large amount of equipment needs to be synchronized to a master clock
MIPS-based printer and consumer applications
ultra-low power supply voltage generators
Electronic Engineering Services
Crystal Oscillator
A crystal oscillator is an electronic circuit that produces electrical oscillations at a particular designed frequency determined by the physical characteristics of one or more crystals generally of quartz positioned in the circuit feedback loopThe Essential Role of Load Break Switches in High Voltage Power Systems
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