Compare Total Prices on Promotional Products Before Ordering Online
Ordering online makes buying promotional products easy. But, you have to compare total prices before making your final purchase. There are many promot...
Ordering online makes buying promotional products easy. But,

you have to compare total prices before making your final purchase. There are many promotional items companies out there that have a lot of gimmicks. And, you have to watch out for them. For example, companies will claim that they have the best discounts available on the market. At face value, it does appear that their prices are the lowest. But, when you really dig into the overall prices, like set up and shipping fees, you will end up paying more.
Let's take, for example, the set up fees. Every company needs to set up their machines for the printing process. These fees are one place where the promotional products companies get you. They will tack on this setup fees to a point where you are now overspending your advertising budget. These companies will lower the prices of their products, but increase the prices of the setup fees. And, they don't let you know until you are ready to pay. Watch out for companies like this!
Shipping fees are another place where promotional products companies will have you overspending your advertising budget. They will lower the cost of the actual products, but increase their shipping fees.
Another way you have watch the total price on promotional products is by looking at the company's minimums. Most of these companies will have high minimums on their promotional items. So, let's say you need 50 coffee mugs. Most of these companies have a minimum of 100. You'll end up spending more just to make the minimum. You certainly don't want to go with a company like this.
Before making a purchase on your promotional products you need to compare the total prices. Get at least three final quotes from different companies. Look at the bottom line and what is in between. You will be surprised at what you find. Some companies use all three tactics, while others use only one or two. Watch out for these companies. It's almost like they are using hidden fees right in front of your eyes.
If you want to avoid dealing with promotional products companies like these, ask around. Ask other business owner which companies they use. Ask about the setup and shipping fees and minimums. The key is to get the most for your money and the only way you are going to do that is by thoroughly doing your research. Get online and compare prices and never agree to an order unless you are completely satisfied.