Contact Centres - Improving Efficiency
Not many people think about call centres in a good light. When questioned about their thoughts on call centres, a lot of people would whine about waiting around for too long to speak to someone and that once they at long last get through to a genuine person, they either have poor English skills, are improperly educated, have minimal customer care skills, or all three.
Contact centres have got a unfavorable reputation with the general public. When asked for their opinion on call centres,

a lot of people would complain about waiting for too long to speak to a person and that once they at long last get through to an actual person, they've either got mediocre English skills, are inadequately educated, have limited customer service skills, or all three.
Yet this standing is not always deserved. There are a few inadequately ran call centres, but those operations can't expect to keep their clients for very long. Providing contact centre services is a tricky venture - you'll need more than just a team of people and some telephones for them to answer. Here are just a few things to consider to improve the efficiency of your call centre.
Frequently, contact centre service providers will structure their employment decisions on communication skills. The theory being that it is possible to coach people to provide support for a product, or to operate a payment entry system, but you aren't able to comfortably teach somebody good communication skills.
This concept holds up pretty well for small contact centre services, but for bigger companies where people might be required to answer calls for a number of different problems, the quantity of training required becomes much greater. It also becomes vital for employees to have refresher courses to ensure that they are continuously prepared to manage almost any call which comes their way.
If you're supplying contact centre services for more than one client, you may end up in an environment that's a technical nightmare. You will need to look at interfacing your own pc network and unified communications systems with the ones used by your clients. This could be a tremendous headache for your IT guys, and also distressing for staff members which need to learn how to use an array of systems.
You will have to get a good unified communications system in position, and a solid IT network, in order to evade your agents saying "You will need to bear with me, the system is running slowly today."
Test Your IVR
Interactive Voice Response systems are the bane of numerous consumers. You might be losing customers if you're utilizing a system that cannot identify different accents, or is hampered with too many options to steer.
It needs to be faster for a caller to ask their question than it would take to navigate an IVR. Bear in mind these are contact centre services you are providing - the key word being 'contact'. Your customers want to speak with a person, not a machine. They are not bothered by your super-advanced PBX system, or your amazing unified communications tools.
They don't really care whether the person they're speaking to is in a call centre, or at home using a VoIP application - they just wish to get their answer from an operative who's well mannered, knowledgeable and efficient.