For years, mailers have had to keep several items handy in order to generate accurate postal documentation and postage statements: pencils, pens and White Out! But now, with Post-Presort software, mailers can retire those “tools” and easily generate accurate documentation.
For years, mailers have had to keep several items handy in order to generate accurate postal documentation and postage statements: pencils, pens and White Out! But now, with Post-Presort software, mailers can retire those “tools” and easily generate accurate documentation. We call it building your documentation to reflect what you mailed vs. building your mail to reflect your documentation. When you just use presort software, you are building your mail to reflect your documentation – this is less efficient and less flexible.
There are numerous things that could cause you to have to generate “fresh” documentation using Post-Presort software. Among them are:
Editing Mail.dat filesPost-presort software allows mailers to edit Mail.dat files; making both minor and major changes. For example, mailers can use post-presort software to make changes in piece-weights / thickness or advertising percentages (Periodical mail), which are often estimated before running the presort. Once the weights and advertising percentages have been finalized closer to the mailing date, post-presort software allows for quick and easy editing of this information before generating new and more accurate documentation.
Spoilage and ShortageMail gets damaged during the production and preparation processes. This is known as “spoilage.” Depending on the type of mailing (i.e., a Standard Mail advertising piece versus a First-Class invoice), the mailer may elect to replace the spoiled pieces, mail the spoiled pieces at a later time, or not replace the spoiled pieces at all. In other cases, some mail may be taken out of the production stream and not get mailed at all (i.e., the mail volume is too low to get a good discount rate, out of supplies such as inserts, short on postage, cannot meet the in-house production schedule, etc.) These pieces are considered “shortage”.
Once the mailing is finalized, post-presort software allows mailers to remove the spoilage and shortage from the Mail.dat file – and the mailing - prior to generating the new and accurate postage statements, thus preventing over-payment of postage and also providing for accurate reconciliation of mailing counts.
Due to production schedules, mailing schedules, in-home schedules, transportation availability, or other reasons, large presorted mailings are sometimes released to the USPS or transportation companies over the course of several days or weeks. In these cases, postage statements and other required USPS documentation must be produced as the mail is presented at the acceptance facility. Post-presort software provides users an easy method to select the specific containers being released to the USPS and produce reports representing only that mail versus producing postage statements for the entire Mail.dat file. Since production schedules may fluctuate, using post-presort software provides optimum flexibility.
So, keep those writing implements retired, and invest in Post-Presort software to help you make sure you build your documentation to reflect what you actually mail and not the other way around!
Mail.dat® or Mail.XML™? Why Not Both!
Which file format should I choose? The answer is really quite simple. Both!Three Reasons Why You Should Use Mail.dat®
Mail.dat is one of the database file sets that is accepted by the USPS for exchanging electronic mailing information. The information in Mail.dat files is extremely useful in mail verification and acceptance, electronic data storage, transportation planning, and postal document preparation and reporting.Mail.dat® File Validation: How to Make Sure Your Files are Valid
Good post-presort software will import the files and provide detailed reports of any errors detected. Post-presort software should also allow you to easily locate these errors in the Mail.dat files to make corrections without having to regenerate them.