Creative Product Packaging Moves the Market
How you present your product to your customers greatly affects the value of your product. Choosing the correct packaging should not be taken for granted. Here are some tips on how to decide what kind of packaging to use.
Creatively packaging your product can mean the difference in a sell or pass on the part of the consumer. People love the idea of getting something for nothing; which is what they think is happening when you utilize promotional packaging in your marketing strategy. Whether they realize or not that the extra packaging cost them in the initial sale,
they love the fact that a single purchase is allowing them to reuse the package. Here are some examples of this creative packaging at work.
Products which are sold in reusable clear plastic containers offer the consumer an item that once empty is now usable as a new storage container. Even if the marketing does not state it is reusable, the obvious use is there. For those who practice recycling, they will see this as a way to go green.
For gift items such as jewelry or novelty gifts the boxes, creating them in different shapes is another option. Children love the idea of decorating gift boxes for a loved one. They can use their creativity in re-doing the original clear plastic container to match their idea of what would please the recipient. In presenting such a gift, on Mothers Day, or Fathers Day, they are happy, the adults are happy, and they will remember the joy your product or brand name brought and return again to purchase your items.
Creative packaging works well for sweets as well, around Valentines Day heart shaped boxes abound. The reason is the symbolism between the heart and love. So of course it works as a promotional marketing strategy. These creative packages also work well because they are sturdy, and their shape forms a dynamic barrier against force, protecting the sweets within.
Of course the added advantage to packing in clear packages is the view of the product within. Nothing tempts more than a visual of something just out of reach; unless the package is bought. Besides if they can see your beautiful chocolates, and not the competitions, then yours is the one going in the basket. Instant gratification, even if the package has not been opened yet, the temptation to buy it and have it there later is all that is needed.
When deciding on a creative packaging strategy, remember that visual advantage, versatility, and functionality all play a role in a successful creative product package. People will begin to associate your brand recognition with pleasurable moments, and will shop for other products you market based on these happy feelings.
You want to create a mental perception of your company of one that offers high quality products, along with reusable packaging. Quality and recycling go hand in hand with most consumers these days. They will see your company is one who cares not only about their profit, but the happiness of the consumer, and the health of the planet.