This article defines various real estate schools of thoughts. There isn't any right or wrong about these various thoughts. It's all about getting the best deal with the most lucrative return.
Many people are out there in the real estate investment field as this field has been considered as the best investment opportunity with maximum return and minimum risk. While discussing with real estate investments,

it is essential to think about various schools of thought in this field. In fact there are many kinds of real estate schools of thought.
I would like to share with you two of most important schools of thought on real estate investments.
As a practicing economist analyzing the real estate investments, I know that there are many factors affecting the real estate business prospects and investments. These factors basically are indicators of the economic conditions in the market and the country as a whole. First kind of school of thought considers the perfect analysis of real estate investments based on these factors.
This school of thought primarily takes the signals from many of the economic indicators to identify how the market will perform in the near future. The factors considered are various economic yardsticks at all levels, local, national and global.
It considers all socio economic factors to have a thorough analysis of the prospects of real estate investments.
This school of thought invariably considers inflation, wholesale price index, mortgage rates and also the expected value of money within few years. Based on these thorough scientific and economic analyzes this school of thought comes out with the prediction of how the real estate market will perform in years to come. In nutshell, this school of thought evaluates the buying power of the people to evaluate the real estate prices.
As I know, most of the real estate investors do not want a global picture when looking for the purchase of a property. They want only assessment of the real estate market based on local factors. In this case, this school of thought considers factors like unemployment rate, demand and availability of the properties, infrastructure facilities, industrial developments, tax policies and many such items, which can affect the real estate prices.
This real estate school of thought also considers the neighborhood of the property and also the real estate trend in that area. The real estate consultants and investors who are well versed with financial and socio economic analysis follow this school of thought. This is only one among the many school of thoughts.
As all of us know, this approach is very complex and many of us would not able to follow this school of thought. We just follow, including me, another school of thought, which is very optimistic. For us, the real estate market is always lucrative all over the period and all over the country. There is no global or local picture of how the market performs. You have to just look for great deals.
This real estate school of thought advocates for getting good deals with maximum returns. You can look for public auctions, short sales, mortgage foreclosures, and dispute and distress sales and so on. Hence this practical school of thought focuses on getting the information on great deals in the location and gets the advantage of maximum returns.
You can follow any of these schools of thoughts or both together. But one thing is sure; the success in the real estate business always depends on the efforts and time you spend.
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