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Do Not Call Loop Holes
By Stephen Bucaro
If you don't like receiving annoying telemarketers calls,
you might try listing your phone number with the "Do Not
Call Registry". This is a free service provided by the FTC.
You can register online at www.donotcall.gov. Along with
your phone number, you'll need to provide an email address.
You complete the registration by clicking on a link in the
e-mail confirmation message that you receive.
Or you can register by calling the toll-free number
1-888-382-1222. If you register via the toll-free number,
you can only list the number of the phone that you are
calling from.
In September, telemarketers will be required to scrub
their call lists against the National Do Not Call Registry
every three months. On October 1, the FTC and the States
will begin enforcing the National Do Not Call Registry
Telemarketing Rule. Violators are subject to a fine of up
to $11,000 per incident.
If your number has been in the registry for at least three
months and you receive a call from a telemarketer, you can
file a complaint online. To file a complaint, you must
know either the name or telephone number of the company
that called you, and the date they called you.
There are several giant loop holes in the National Do Not
Call Telemarketing Rule. You can still receive calls from
political organizations, charities, companies that you
have done business with, and telephone surveyors.
Any moron can change a sales script into a "survey". The
only real way to avoid annoying telemarketers is to get an
answering machine. Don't worry, if the state lottery
commission calls to inform you that you‘ve won, they'll
leave a message.
If an annoying telemarketer leaves a message on my
answering machine, I hope he can find a place to buy ice
water in hell while waiting for me to return the call.
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Success at Work: Techniques : Taking Initiative
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