One of the questions I ask new clients is,” How is your CRM?” There are three responses I usually get: What is that?I use XYZ software.We follow-up with prospects once or twice and send Christmas cards or gifts.
CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management or client relationship management, as I like to call it. There are many different software systems that you can use: Salesforce, ACT, Infusionsoft. But just like anything, they only work if you use it and use it correctly.
Having a good CRM Software System is important, but it is even more important to have a system for CRM in your company. It builds your like, know and trust factor with your clients or prospects and keeps you Top of Mind when they need to purchase something.
Your system should include a mixture of offers, resources with things of value for them and fun stuff that they will remember.
So what do you do once you’ve installed the software? Here are 5 steps to having a successful system for CRM.
1. Commit to USING IT! Make it a company-wide policy and track it!
2. Prioritize/segment your lists – according to prospects/clients/stage in sales process – how ‘hot’ the lead is, etc.
3. Create email templates that will be used regularly:
Some ideas:
• welcome letter,
• thank you letters,
• referral letters,
• letters to follow up with clients whose credit card’s have expired
* Bonus points (and profits) if you create a system to update the card BEFORE it expires!)
4. Design your system for CRM. Just like you should have a marketing calendar, you should be using a calendar to plan your CRM activities each month.
Some ideas to get you started:
• Birthday cards/gifts
• Thanksgiving gifts for clients
• Seasonal fun items like BBQ stuff in the summer
• Articles/faxes on topics of interest.
5. Each time you implement a new marketing tactic or special promotion, design the CRM follow-up campaign to get the highest ROI from your marketing.
Client example: One of my clients had a trade-show so we created a series of emails, phone calls and letters for him to use with the leads generated from the tradeshow. He had the most sales he ever had from trade show leads in the midst of the recession.
*To optimize your results, like he did, make sure to create steps for a prospect saying yes/no at each stage of the sales process so you never drop the ball with the prospect.
Set a date and get started. Even if you have to start out with baby steps on one project like my client with the tradeshow did, it will start to show results and you can continue optimizing your system for CRM each month as new events and holidays come around.
3 Ways to Sell With Confidence
I have a confession to make. I was a top salesperson since I was in 3rd grade. But when I started my own business, all of my sales skills seemed to vanish and I struggled to get new clients. Many business owners I work with have the same challenge. They are good at what they do – creating or delivering a product or service, but struggle with selling it. You may find that you have this same challenge – you wimp out on asking for the sale, you do too busy work instead of income generating activites, or you take objection as your final answer instead of asking for the sale agaiLow Hanging Fruit
Are you looking for ways to get more clients? Increasesales? Well the answer may be right in front of your face.Are You Using All The Opportunities That You Have?
As the buyers tighten their belts you have to make the most of each purchase and increase your average transaction size. Here is one area to consider to make the most out of each client: