You have impact, every day, whether you realize it or not. Even small actions can be worldchanging.
You have impact, every day, whether you realize it or not.
When you choose to be aware of what your impact is and can be, that shifts things. You can then choose how you show up. You can then become the leader you can be.
I resisted this for a long time. I didn’t see what others saw in me. And for a long time, it diminished my impact.
Are you losing out on opportunities to contribute because you don’t recognize yourself in others’ descriptions and perceptions of you as a leader?
If you’re diminishing yourself, not seeing yourself as the leader you are, then you’re losing out.
And so are we.
Small actions can change the world. How are you showing up?
Leadership is a developed skill: to get my support to develop as a leader, email me at
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