Are you interested in setting up your own online business as a dropship reseller and selling through eBay? Check out this article on eBay fedback.
Shopping on eBay can be fun,

especially if you can trust the merchants on this site.
EBay has a system that helps you do just that: feedback. Feedback is the listing of comments a seller receives from its customers.
These comments state how satisfied each customer was with their purchase. They are posted for potential buyers to review before deciding whom to buy from.
The power of eBay feedback
While all other online auctioning sites have their own feedback system, most are not quite as detailed as eBay's feedback.
Each feedback received has the following details:
•Positive, neutral, or negative rating
•Comment from customer
•Customer's user name and selling status
•A link to the submitter's feedback history
•Date feedback was left
•Item sold as titled by seller
•Transaction number
Most other sites I've been to just supply a comment with a four or five star system based on customer satisfaction.
On eBay, both buyers and sellers usually leave feedback for each other versus only buyers on other sites as Amazon.
DSR enhances feedback
In eBay's early years, sellers either received a good or bad feedback from its buyers.
Though most every seller tried to maintain a perfect record, some sales transactions had gone wrong for various reasons.
As a result, these sellers would receive negative feedbacks from unhappy buyers.
Listed from most recent to oldest, a new bad feedback would remain at the top of the list until new positive feedbacks pushed it down.
No doubt, a negative feedback at the top of a merchant's list would turn off potential buyers.
EBay created the DSR (detailed seller ratings) system to more accurately rate a buying experience with the seller.
Rather than giving a seller a negative feedback for even a minor flaw, the buyer can rate the transaction with a five-star system based on the following things:
•Item as described
•Shipping time
Those who review imperfect feedbacks know that whatever went wrong, it wasn't always the seller's fault.
Improving feedback
One thing a seller can do to ensure better business is to improve their feedback rating. This means gaining positive feedbacks by:
•Accurately describing all merchandise; disclosing all flaws with used items; and giving detailed information on an item's brand, model #, etc.
•Shipping items promptly
•Encouraging customers to communicate about problems before leaving feedback
Dropshippers of course actually handle the merchandise.
Resellers expect them to have the item(s) sold on hand, keep them in perfect condition, and ship them out quickly.
The customer will blame the reseller for any problem or faulty service that is caused by the dropshipper's negligence.
If you are a merchant using a dropshipper, it's important that you communicate with both the customer and dropshipper when problems arise.
Communication helps eliminate bad feedbacks and ensures more sales.