Fear- A common Motivator for Self Confidence

Jun 22


Abe Cherian

Abe Cherian

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If you are like most people, you are often confronted with fears that hold you back - consciously or subconsciously. Although you weren't born with them, you are under the strong influence of the environment that implanted them.


If you are like most people,Fear- A common Motivator for Self Confidence Articles you are often confronted withfears that hold you back - consciously or subconsciously.Although you weren't born with them, you are under thestrong influence of the environment that implanted them.You might even be tempted to think that worry and fear asthe primary base from which your actions stem.

Salespeople know of this powerful influence. People buytruckloads of insurance in preparation for some disasterthat "might" happen. "It is better to be safe than sorry."Do you have an extra set of keys (or two) for your house orcar? Do you buy food, drinks or even pills that will helpyou improve your complexion or lose unwanted weight?

Whether it is a fear of losing something good, or gettingsomething bad, fear is a driving force that is alwaysthere. Why does someone behave rudely or arrogantly?Because he or she is afraid of losing their "feeling of"authoritative power, which would destroy or undermine hisor her position in society.

You already know where jealousy stems from - out of fearfor you, wanting or losing something you think you cannothave or the fear that someone else will get what you feel"belongs to you." New situations in life force you toconfront a new set of fears. You may even comfort yourselfby saying it isn't so bad. Have you ever made a doctor'sappointment, a dentist appointment or a hairstylingappointment only to arrive in the respective waiting areawith no pain or the best hair day you've had in a longtime? Now you want to go home.

Fear is a powerful motivator. Some of the more common fearsare:

1. Fear of the Unknown 2. Fear of Failure and Rejection 3. Fear of Loss (losing what you have) 4. Fear of Facing Reality 5. Fear of Disapproval

You have to deal with all of these fears if you want tosucceed. You cannot deny them or banish them to yoursubconscious, as that will only add fuel to a fire thatwill probably and suddenly burst out beyond your control.

Like fires, fears are easiest to squelch when they arestill small. Confront your fears and banish them forever.Start with- "The Fear of the Unknown." There isn't a personalive that isn't apprehensive, nervous or even fearful ofentering new territory, wandering into the great unknown.What will it hold? How will it change you? Will you be ableto handle the situation or complete the task? Will you knowwhat to do and have the ability to do it? Will you belaughed at? Will it be worth it? One way of confronting theunknown is to recognize that without action you will neverescape mediocrity.

The primary difference between people who fulfill theirdreams and those that don't is action - the former movefrom words to action, the latter never get beyond thewords. Ask yourself: What could I lose if I begin to act?Answer frankly. Typical answers are time, pride and so on.You should note that these answers are merely superficial.What could I gain? An experience that will, without adoubt, make you richer (maybe financially) and one thatwill bring you closer, above all, to success.

You shouldn't forget that it is self-confidence, overcomingyour fears and changing your habits or undesirableattributes (like transforming yourself from timid tooutgoing) that bring you a step closer to attaining yourdesires.

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