Many individuals planning to avail a car loan often wonder whether it's easier to get the required credit facilities with a "bad credit" status, or a "no credit" credit rating. For that, it's important to know what both the credit ratings imply – one has to understand the difference between the two.
A bad credit signifies that the person has a poor credit history due to various reasons such as skipping the monthly loan redemption amount (Monthly installments that one pays to "pay off" the loan),
untimely loan repayment habits, exceeding the credit limit, and even declaring bankruptcy. Basically, all the financial activities associated with the loan are recorded by the lenders when they provide the loan facility.
When the person starts making timely payments to the lender, the fact is included in the credit history, and this creates a "good" impression of the borrower, which will improve the credit ratings. However, when the opposite happens i.e. the person fails to fulfill the terms and conditions mentioned in the loan agreement, it creates a negative or a "bad" impression which lowers the credit score. This gives rise to "bad credit" ratings. On the other hand, some individuals like college graduates and business persons using cash while carrying out their financial transactions do not have any credit record or history, since they might have never availed any credit or loan facilities in the past. Such a condition is interpreted as a "no credit" status.
In both the cases, financers and money lenders hesitate while providing the loan, since they are unsure about the repayment capacity of the borrower. So both the credit conditions create problems for the loan applicant when he or she applies for the credit facility. The money lenders thus provide loans having stringent terms and conditions associated with the repayment activity to these kinds of borrowers. Typically financers provide "no credit car loans" to individuals having a "no credit" type of credit status, and "bad credit car loans" to those who do not have a credit history.
Bad Credit Loans
The main problems associated with a bad credit status can prevent the applicant from getting the much required car loan. The issues are;
• The rate of interest associated with bad credit auto loans is higher as compared to a traditional or a normal loan generally provided by banks and lending institutes. While availing car loans for bad credit, the interest rate depends upon the person's credibility which is stated by the credit history. When the repaying history is not so good and indicates late or missed monthly payments, the lenders choose to earn back the capital provided as soon as possible, and keeping a higher rate of interest facilitates them in doing just that.
• Bad credit ratings also indicate a possibility of "bad debt" in the past. So a higher debt to income ratio indicates there is a greater likely hood of the borrower defaulting in the future. The lenders cater to this risk factor by linking strict repayment plans and heavy fines and penalties for late or missed payments. The idea is to create conditions which force the borrower to make regular payments, and by imposing heavy fines as well as penalties, the borrower is intimidated in being more regular with the redemption.
• Individuals availing a bad credit auto loan cannot opt for the bankruptcy option and write off the outstanding amount of unsecured loans such as credit card credit loans.
No Credit Loans
The following pointers can help you in creating good credit ratings which can help the borrowers avail car loans with no credit;
• It's recommended to open a savings account. This creates an impression that the individual is responsible and believes in saving money. Lenders believe if the person is likely to save money; it's going to be easy to recover the outstanding dues in case the person defaults in the future.
• Avail credit card facilities and go in for low credit limits. Make sure you don't overdraw, and make timely credit card payments so that your account remains in good standing. It's important to make sure you don't incur any credit card debt. Maintaining a proper account status will reflect within the credit history and improve your ratings and credit score.
• While applying for the car loan, make sure you exhibit a sound and steady background to your lender. Stating a permanent residential address, longer employment history and proof, valid contact numbers that are operative can go a long way in creating a good impression and improving your credit scores.
• Getting a good reference from your employer or business associates can further strengthen your application for your no credit auto loan.
• If possible get a co-signer who can vouch for you and provide the financial guarantee to the moneylender.