For Executives and Business Owners
All you need to study - a home computer with internet access. Cost of distance learning programs sometimes several times cheaper than full-time!
Distance learning program MBA (Master of Business Administration) - off-campus training school using Internet technology to access virtual classrooms,

libraries, and communicate with teachers and students.Other terms - Distance MBA, Distance Learning, Online learning, e-learning. For executives and business owners, you can not "fall out of the cage," one or two years in full-time education, and for which new knowledge for practical use has become an issue of competitiveness itself is in the labor market, or as a business.Over the last two years, the world economy was growing crisis, the recession and slow recovery begins. Managers at any level in this difficult time has to take daily dozens of difficult decisions - on the adjustment strategy to optimize the number of staff and even change the type of activity. In his life's baggage they received invaluable, though bitter experience, as opposed to those who would prefer to "sit crisis" in the classrooms of Western business schools, following the development of events in the news summary. For those who have family and especially small children Even if there is an opportunity to get a scholarship to study in the mode of full-time, take the family with him have his own expense, as the scholarships do not cover these costs. Living expenses abroad is very high, and many students have family gnaw granite of science away from loved ones. MBA in IT will not miss the first step or the first word of your child.This category may include young mothers, before escaping in the decree were active in professional activities - they are able to combine business (school) and useful (Education of the baby). No fine nurse can replace his own mother, and especially the one that gets the MBA.As a rule, schedule of classes and programs for remote load adjusted employment of students, so even if you are late for work after 18 hours or have infant - you'll still be able to carve out an hour or two a day to study. For those who are still working employee, but it builds career plans or dreams of their own business.In the wave of cuts, many companies, even national, abolished not only the payment for training abroad, but also the so-called "holiday in the training," when a staff member, who had gone to get the cherished degree, save jobs. Yes, you can go, winning a grant, but it is no guarantee that a potential employer will receive you with open arms after 2 years (mean duration of the MBA program)? In the selection of the difference in professional experience, even in 2 years can play an important role, not in favor of those who chewed the granite of science for the future of the country. For people with disabilities, for whom distance learning (not only in the MBA program, but in general - even the base) is the only chance to get qualified. Advantages and differences of distance learning. The only difference from the distance education full-time only in the fact that you are physically sitting at home, not in the university campus. Modern technologies allow to communicate with teachers and classmates in the special (on the portal of the University) and the usual chat rooms (such as ICQ), conduct video seminars (eg, Skype, YouTube). Learning is a continuous process! Sometimes every day, sometimes once a week. Most often, the learning process consists of seminars or training lasting from several days to weeks, so as to ensure that the work the students have had time to prepare a job and take part in discussions and work together, even with the time difference. All you need to study - a home computer with internet access. Cost of distance learning programs sometimes several times cheaper than full-time! By the way, in most cases, the diploma does not indicate the type of training (intramural or remote)