Get Your Roofing Job Done With The Help Of Experts
Roofing companies provide a number of repairing services. But it is important to know which one will suit your home. So you should have some idea about them.
Though rewarding,

nobody has ever claimed roofing to be an easy job. This especially applies during the winter months when mother nature shows us the true meaning of hard work. In this article, we will outline three of the most common roofing problems found during the winter time, and offer tips and advice as to how you may want to approach the fix.
Ice Dams
Perhaps the most common problem during the winter months is the presence of ice dams. Since conditions for roofing are sometimes unfavorable when ice dams are discovered, most people opt for a quick fix until a more permanent solution can be provided. Though, as most people find… there is seldom a suitable quick fix for ice dams. You may want to try calcium chloride or rock salt to melt the ice as opposed to a chisel and pick as you stand a good chance of damaging the ceiling. Another possible solution involves heat tape, which though effective has been known to cause fires when used improperly.
Many people often ask whether they should roof at all in cold weather. The answer is yes, so long as it is dry. It should also be noted that the quality of the finished product can be greatly affected depending on the temperature. Most supply manufacturers list specific requirements in regard to the proper temperatures their materials should be installed in. As a general rule, 40 degrees and above should mean you’re good to go. However, if you still wish to install in temperatures under 40 degrees then special precautions need be taken:
- Make sure the adhesive isn't freezing
-Be careful not to damage the shingles when nailing them as some types become brittle and are easily broken.
-Do not damage the underlayment which may also become brittle due to the temperature.
Another major issue during the winter is condensation. This occurs when moist, warm air hits a cold surface. In these instances, you should install a vapor retarder at the ceiling level which will effectively trap the warm air, prohibiting it from getting to the bottom on the deck.
Whatever your problem may be this upcoming winter, always be sure to consult a trusted professional in hopes of avoiding any unnecessary injury or damage to the house itself. In some cases it may even be best to wait until warmer weather comes before diving in. Use your best judgment, keep your wits about you, and you'll do just fine.