Great Integrity is Necessary for Great Marketing

Jan 20


Jody Gabourie

Jody Gabourie

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The marketing of your business is a clear symbol of your integrity and authenticity as a business person. By not marketing, you cheat yourself out of making an important contribution to the world and you cheat people out of the gift and opportunity that your products and services offer.


Many coaches,Great Integrity is Necessary for Great Marketing Articles healers, wellness practitioners, artists and other solo-preneurs who are embracing the whole world of online marketing still have a real aversion to marketing. They confuse marketing with the stereotype of a pushy salesperson and with the thought of "selling" themselves.

But I believe that the marketing of your business is a clear symbol of your integrity and authenticity as a business person.

Marketing is like any other endeavour we do - if we do it with bad motives, lack of faith, dishonesty or lack of caring then that's what we'll get back. It's the whole concept of we reap what we sow.

If you're like me, you have created your business because you have something to share. You feel passionately that your services and products offer information, wisdom and experience to help people change their lives.

You want to inspire people to believe in, and achieve, specific results or outcomes in their lives. Your services offer practical help and information that provides people with the support to achieve these results.

Marketing is how you let people know about this great business you've created.

The sad thing is that many small businesses and entrepreneurs shy away from marketing and as a result they can't attract enough clients to be a thriving business. So they close their doors down. How does that serve their customers and all the prospective clients who really need their services?

By not marketing, you cheat yourself out of making an important contribution to the world and you cheat people out of the gift and opportunity that your products and services offer.

When you sit down to figure out your marketing strategies or to do a particular tactic, try to cultivate an open mind and open heart. Before you do your teleseminar or workshop, before you sit down to write some new articles or a letter to a possible joint venture partner - just sit quietly, concentrate on welcoming people in and being in an expansive mindset.

Try to approach your marketing with enthusiasm and a real knowledge that your service is needed and that people are eagerly awaiting information about it. Your job is to educate people with your marketing - not push them into doing something that's not right for them.

I try to live by the phrase "attraction rather than promotion" which to me means that I want to attract clients, associates, partners and vendors to me by marketing myself and my business authentically and from a place of helping, gratitude and kindness.

As you go about your day today and do different marketing tactics, try to keep the above suggestions in mind. Come from a place of openness and possibility and not lack, doom and gloom (turning off your TV news will help!) and see how many more opportunities and people you attract to yourself.

Marketing is all about feeling good about what you're offering and having people feel good about what you're offering. Go ahead and give it a won't regret it!