Great Stories Of Miracles In The Bible That Everybody Has Heard Of
It is no big surprise that the Bible is loaded with stories of miracles. Some are in the old testament and some in the new. They try to show the impor...
It is no big surprise that the Bible is loaded with stories of miracles. Some are in the old testament and some in the new. They try to show the importance of God's love for humanity and his grace. The bible is more than just a large collection of stories that were passed down by word of mouth. It also serves to compel people to start turning away from false religions to practice Christianity.One of the well known tales is where Jesus exorcised the demon legion from a guy that he possessed. The guy was described as running through the hills,

easily breaking the ropes people used to hold him with and screaming madly. This short tale shows how a demon was frightened of Jesus who simply dispelled him with few simple words.Another tale that was generally told to help illustrate how powerful God was and how simply he could destroy those who decided to oppose his commands, is the ten plagues sent to Egypt. There are many different theories for how these may have occurred naturally. Despite what some skeptics want to believe, there is historical evidence which actually supports and proves that this really did happenOne of the miracles Jesus did that magicians try and duplicate even today is him walking on water. He did this before the time of Plexiglas or clear plastics were used to deceive people. He assured his faithful disciples that anything could be done, then just casually walked about three miles across the Galilee Sea to meet them later in the day at their boat.One of the epic bible tales is the quick crossing of the red sea that Moses and the Israelites made to escape from Egyptian armies. The true biblical story is slightly different than the more famous tale in the movies. The effect though, still ended the same. The murky waters parted and the Israelites passed through and the Egyptian armies behind them were quickly drowned.One of the more unbelievable tales told in the bible deals with Jesus raising Lazarus after he had died. He was to have dropped down and cried, not from the death of his close friend but from the peoples' lack of faith in him. This showed that death did not have any dominion over Jesus and it was also foreshadowing his own crucifixion and resurrection.The one miracle that was foretold from almost the beginning of the old testament was the resurrection. Many people really do not understand what this means. Jesus was to have actually died and spent 3 days in torment in hell. After the third day he willed himself back to life and ascended to heaven having paid the price for man's salvation.While there are many stories of miracles from the bible there is one that one that stands out from all the rest. It is very short so many people often forget about it. The very first verse in the bible when God said, let there be light. In that one moment everything that ever will be was created and that is the greatest miracle of all.