Patricia Drain, author of Sell the Sizzle, had the opportunity tointerview 177 top sales producers, both male and female, from allbackgrounds. She discovered several main points in common.
“Each of these individuals knew exactly what I meant when Italked about selling the sizzle. After interviewing them, Idiscovered that each individual followed certain daily habitsthat took them to the level of Top Producer in their profession,”says Patricia.
7 Habits That Top Sales Producers Have in Common Are:
Habit #1: Develop a PLAN. Sizzling salespeople plan their days,weeks and months.
They set goals in place and work their plan to exceed thosegoals.
Habit #2: They Create a Clear FOCUS. Sizzling salespeople ALWAYSstay focused on their specialty and their plan. They stay focusedby prioritizing each day.
Habit #3: They Ask QUESTIONS. Sizzling salespeople understandand utilize the art of asking the right questions. They list theRIGHT questions to ask when sizzle selling.
Habit #4: They SHARPEN Their Skills. Sizzling salespeopleunderstand the importance of sharpening their saws. They investin the resources needed to assure ongoing training.
Habit #5: They Understand the Power of NUMBERS. They understandthat to increase their sales, they must increase their prospects,customer base and sales volume.
Habit #6: They Know How to Stay in CONTROL. Sizzlingsalespeople stay in control of themselves to stay on track. Theyuse this control to keep a personal balance in their lives.
Habit #7: They Have a Strong BELIEF SYSTEM. Sizzlingsalespeople believe they are worthy of the highest earnings,commissions or salary, and that their time is extremely valuable.