Most people think of a male boss harassing a female subordinate when they think of workplace harassment, however those instances are rare.
While Sexual Harassment remains a problem in the workplace, other types of harassment have now been recognized to create both legal and productivity problems. These other types of harassment also need to be trained on and addressed to keep the workplace free from legal complaints and to remain free and comfortable for all employees. Here are few of the major harassment problems other than Sexual Harassment.
Religious Harassment
All types of religions and beliefs should be accepted in a healthy workplace. The freedom to practice a religion of our choice is a tenant of American society as is the freedom not to practice any religion at all. In the workplace, companies need to accommodate all types of religious ceremonies and holidays. The best practice for any business is to provide employees these freedoms. For instance, if an employee is a Muslim then the time to pray to Mecca should be allowed. As long as this employee makes up the time or uses his break or lunch time then this accommodation should be made. In addition, any discrimination or hostility because of a religious belief is illegal and should never be tolerated.
Sexual Orientation Harassment
It is illegal to discriminate against or cause a hostile workplace environment to a person because of their sexual orientation. It is also terrible business. Every healthy, productive workplace is free from jokes and disparaging comments about sexual orientation. Gay and Lesbian employees are a huge part of the American workplace and are responsible for a healthy chunk of the country's work productivity.
Race or Country of Origin Harassment
Discrimination because of race or country of origin has long been known as illegal, but it is still pervasive in today's workplace. All employees need to be extremely sensitive to jokes and comments that could be offensive to other cultures. For instance, a comment about Arab terrorists may be offensive to an American employee of Arab descent.
Harassment is no longer just about sex in the workplace and employees need to be trained in all areas of harassment. Make sure that areas like Sexual Orientation, Race, National Origin and Religion are also part of your harassment training program.
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