Have an Item of the Month to Build Dollar Store Sales
Have you ever considered following the lead of so many major full priced retail businesses by having an item of the week or an item of the month available in your store? Making a commitment to this strategy can really enhance dollar store sales for your business.
Do you own a dollar store? Have you ever considered following the lead of so many major full priced retail businesses by having an item of the week or an item of the month available in your store? Making a commitment to this strategy can really enhance dollar store sales for your business. To maximize the impact of this strategy you must do a little preplanning. It is important to offer the right product(s),

and to properly prepare for these specials.
It is also important to develop a manageable program which can be sustained over a long period of time so shoppers begin to anticipate and then come to your store more routinely. The special item(s) you select must have high perceived value to your shoppers. It should be an item not normally available in a dollar store business. Yet it must be an item which is in-demand and very popular with your shoppers.
The challenge for those who own a dollar store is really about whether to offer these special items as a monthly special, or a weekly special. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages for those who a dollar store to handle.
Monthly specials are certainly easier to manage. Employees will be much more likely to be aware of the current special when shoppers ask. There is also some time for shoppers to help spread the word to others about the great deal going on for this items in your store, thus increasing the opportunity to grow dollar store sales as more new shoppers come in for the first time.
Offering a weekly special item requires much more effort to locate and then buy the various items. There is also more overall management of incoming merchandise, printing and communication, and merchandising. The big advantage is shoppers have a reason to come to your store each week to find out exactly what the special item of the week will be. This can mean added sales for your business.
For those who own a dollar store, the challenge is first to project the actual demand you will see over a one-month period of time. Then there is the challenge of locating enough of the items at an acceptable wholesale price to satisfy the projected demand.
If you own a dollar store offer weekly or monthly special items to your shoppers. Maintaining an adequate supply of the weekly and/or monthly special items is critical to maximize the dollar store sales of those items as well as other items throughout your store.