Household Cleansers are Expensive to Carry, But They Sell!
Every dollar store should carry a full range of common household cleansers and cleaning supplies. Read on to find the exact reasons why.
Every dollar store should carry a full range of common household cleansers and cleaning supplies. Stocking this type of dollar store merchandise can be expensive – many cleaning products cost more than other types of dollar store items,

and some of them require careful storage. However, the higher cost of these products, along with the expense of storing the cleansers safely, are more than outweighed by the sales they generate.
Household cleansers and other cleaning supplies are some of the most popular products a dollar store can carry. Everyone needs cleansers to use in their homes, and many people buy them for their workspace or office. Household cleansers and other cleaning supplies bring customers into your dollar store, and they keep them coming back on a regular basis.
Shoppers have come to expect a wide variety of household cleansers and other cleaning supplies (paper towels, sponges, mops, brooms, squeegees, scrubbers, and the like) in their local dollar store. If they do not find these products in your dollar store, or if your prices are higher than the prices of your competitors, those shoppers will go elsewhere – straight to other dollar stores.
It gets worse. Shoppers do not just buy cleansers and cleaning supplies. When they come to your dollar store, they often buy other types of dollar store merchandise in addition to cleaning products. Why wouldn’t they? They’re already in your store, and they know your prices on other types of merchandise are reasonable. Sometimes they remember they need other items, and sometimes they buy something on impulse. All of those extra sales mean additional profits for your dollar store.
Remember, you will lose business if your dollar store runs out of household cleansers or other cleaning products. The same thing will happen if you do not keep your prices competitive. Either way, your customers will soon start shopping for their cleansers and supplies at one of the dollar stores that is competing with your store. Don’t let that happen! Keep these popular dollar store merchandise in stock at all times, and make sure your prices are the same or lower than those of your competitors.
Household cleansers are expensive to carry, but they definitely sell. This type of dollar store merchandise brings in plenty of customers, and those customers probably will not limit their purchases to just your cleaning supplies. While they are picking up the cleaning products they need, they will find other merchandise to buy in your dollar store.