Place Dollar Store Items in a Logical order when Setting up your store
You should be aware that setting up a dollar store takes a lot of hard work and dedication. There are tasks ranging from finding a location, to locating suppliers of dollar store merchandise. One of the most important tasks you face is the setup of your dollar store items in a logical order.
You should be aware that setting up a dollar store takes a lot of hard work and dedication. There are tasks ranging from finding a location,

to locating suppliers of dollar store merchandise. One of the most important tasks you face is the setup of your dollar store items in a logical order.
You have probably heard the saying “If you fail to plan, you fail to plan.” The same applies when setting up your dollar store. It is best for you to draw a layout based on the exact amount of space you have available in your store.
When coming up with the location for all of your dollar products, you should think about creating departments. Arranging the dollar store merchandise into departments will allow customers to navigate your store more easily. This will definitely help lead to more sales.
You also need to pay attention to the placement of the dollar store items within the departments. You may not want to display the most popular items prominently. It is usually better to place these items somewhere where customers have to bypass other items to get to them.
Some dollar store owners make the mistake of placing similar items in various locations throughout their store. This is a mistake because customers would then have to travel throughout the store to weigh their purchasing options. For example, all sunglasses should be located near each other, not be displayed in separate racks in different corners of the store.
There is certain dollar store merchandise people routinely go into these stores to buy. Household cleaners are one of the most common types of merchandise in this category. You can increase overall sales in your store if you place this core merchandise near the back of your store. Then, this would force customers to bypass many other departments in their search of the merchandise.
When placing your dollar store merchandise, be sure you keep potential theft in mind. If people notice your employee's vision is obstructed in certain places within your store they may decide to steal something. This is particularly a problem with high-value dollar products. Try to setup your store to enable workers to see as many aisles as possible.
It is very important for you to place your dollar store items in a logical order when setting up your store. Organize items into departments so customers will have an easier time finding whatever they are seeking. It is also a good idea to put core merchandise behind other departments so customers will walk by all types of products on their way to buy it.