Bankruptcy is a word that is still regarded with a certain amount of stigma in society, so any wonder any normal person struggling with debts will do whatever they can to avoid it.
Obviously, if you are in financial difficulty, it is always advisable that you speak to a bad credit expert about ways you can get out of debt, and sometimes a debt agreement may be suggested as a possible way out of the dark hole of debt.
What is a Debt Agreement and how can one Save Me from Bankruptcy?
A debt agreement is a simple, legally binding agreement with your credit providers or lenders. It is considered to be an act of bankruptcy, however, you can still secure finance – including a mortgage – if you have a debt agreement. Legally, these are referred to as Part IX (Nine) and Part X (Ten) and upon approval of your creditors (at least 75% or more of the dollar value of your debt) such agreements you can put in place may allow for:
Can Anybody Qualify for a Debt Agreement?
As great as debt agreements may sound, it is important to note that not everybody is eligible. A debt agreement may be proposed by you if you:
Also, your debt agreement must be approved by your creditors. To enjoy the benefits of a debt agreement, at least 75% of the dollar value of your creditors must agree to your proposal.
The Golden Rules of the Debt Agreement
Remember that when you are in financial difficulty, you are in a vulnerable position and there are businesses out there, claiming to be bad credit experts, who will take you for a ride. To make sure a debt agreement saves you from bankruptcy and doesn’t land you in it, here are some points to follow:
Is a Debt Agreement Right for Me?
If you are in financial difficulty, you’re struggling to pay your bills and you think you may fit the criteria of somebody eligible to benefit from a debt agreement, it is best that they speak to a reputable bad credit expert who can work with you to negotiate the best arrangement for you. A good specialist will talk to you to gain an understanding about your specific situation, and assess whether a debt agreement could be your way of avoiding bankruptcy. A debt agreement should be used only as the second last resort to bankruptcy, and with careful financial guidance from a specialist team, it can be viewed as your catalyst to a better, more secure financial future. Bad credit needn’t be the end at all!
Australians’ Personal Money Management in a Shambles
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Quite clearly personal money management is an area Australians don’t excel at, and unfortunately a lack of skill in this area has dire consequences.