You have a choice. You can either use all these different platforms to post and distribute your content, or you can have your own all-in-one platform by doing this.
What’s amazing about today’s day and age is that there are so many services out there to help businesses fulfill their content creation needs.
Want to sell your own digital course? There’s Teachable, Kajabi, and Thinknific.
Want to upload videos? Go to YouTube or Vimeo.
Releasing a podcast? iTunes and Spotify are always there for you.
Publishing your own e-book or audiobook? One word. Amazon.
While having all those platforms is nice, the problem is all your content is all over the place. Your customers may not be aware you have all this content out for them to use, and that leads to:
Losing out on sales.
Less engagement.
That’s where having your own app comes in handy.
An app? Doesn’t that cost like $100,000?
Yes it does, probably even more.
But not with Learnistic.
With that software, you can build your own app with all your free and paid content in one place and in front of your customers’ faces, which means far more sales and engagement.
And the cost?
Less than the cost of your monthly cable bill.
That’s just one advantage. For more, go to the link below. And while you’re there, feel free to sign up for the free trial which may or may not still be going on.
But just a warning.
I’m not a user, affiliate, nor am I getting paid to promote this service. I’m just sharing a service other than my own that may or may not benefit your business.
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